
Showing posts from May, 2009

cakes cakes cakes

i am going to be really busy through next wednesday... if i post at all, it will likely be sugar induced... i had two cakes tonight... i have two due on monday and then one big one due on wednesday... another on the 16th, one on the 25th of june... three baby shower cakes this summer... not one but two wedding shower cakes and a bachelorette cake (these are all before the end of august! i got busy in a hurry!


sunday is maddie's birthday party. this week i will be really busy, so i may take a little blog break, but promise to fill you all in as i can. also, i have four cakes to design, a dress to buy and two babyshowers to plan. a graduation party on saturday evening to boot! update: maddie is going on the potty more and more on her own thank goodness. kenzie is missing school and she only had one day off. work has been increasingly like a psych ward this month. and that is about that.

this week

has been a little crazy... it is getting close to the end of the school year for Mackenzie. I am trying to get everything together for her for the end of school year activities. the school was on a lock down the other day... I have been dubbed the "yeller" outside of back gate. As we wait for our children earlier this week, a car came speeding through the school zone, so I yelled at them to slow down. Must have caught them off guard, because they stopped in the middle of the road and gathered themselves. I as do other parents don't feel like it is fair for them to speed through the zone and put our children at risk. i have made several calls this week for various things... i have more calls early next week to make... maddie has made some progress with potty training. she has been doing some going on her own and it is getting closer to her being trained. she is able to go on the potty, we just have to get her to go on a regular basis. she is very sporatic. i am ...

My baby

turned three today! it's hard to believe that she isn't a baby anymore! if you ask her, she has said she's a big girl! she goes on the potty sometimes... (LOL) and fights with her sister (and wins LOL) she is such a tom boy! she loves climing trees, etc. maddie started life fighting to survive and now we are so blessed everyday by her sillyness! thank God he had his watchful eye on our baby!

Heading to an appointment

Although today is my day off, I told Renee that I would come in this morning to take a patient out to an appointment. It will probably be a short day for me, but all in all, I am working again on my day off. This means I won't have a real day off again until next friday! I am working both days this weekend and so it puts me on a long stretch, but I don't really mind since the money is good. GREAT NEWS: Ryan and I both got raises yesterday at work. Putting Ryan at 12/hr and me at 12.25/hr. This was totally cool! In addition to that they are giving us retro pay for this raise since it was late getting to us. Ryan's is almost 4 months late and mine was 1 month late. Kenzie is doing great. She asked me for a word search book while we were at the Dollar Tree, so I let her get one. I didn't think she would like it because word searches can sometimes be quite hard to do, but she is loving it and doing very well with it! Maddie seems to be doing much better. I am thin...

checking things off the to do list

i feel like today i was able to get quite a bit accomplished. i have: gone through most of the unopened e mails in my inbox. (i have been neglecting my e mails lately and this is not a good thing but like the fly lady says, this clutter is easily taken care of by simply hitting the delete key) i went to work and was sent home since i am working this weekend and it looks like i may have a double on saturday and single on sunday... yay i will end up with over time if it all works out for me the way i am hoping it will... always depends on if renee catches what my plan is before or after the shifts start lol. she unfortunately caught today and sent me packing. ryan didn't make it back to work to pick me up, so i had an hour walk to the house, which wasn't bad at 7 in the morning, and i got my exercising done for the day... so that was another thing off of the daily list. i tended to a sick maddie all day. she isn't feeling much better, she is really suffed up so she is ge...

poor baby

maddie woke up crying last night around 3 am, so I was happy when renee decided to send me home today since i am working the weekend both days... she is now sleeping... and has been for 2 hours. i think she decided "if amanda can be sick so can i" she has a little cough and runny nose, but she was running a little fever this morning... ibuprophen and mucinex took care of the symptoms, but you can still tell she isn't feeling well..
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why Did God Make Mothers? 1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2. Mostly to clean the house. 3. To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts. What ingredients are mothers made of? 1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think. Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1. We're related. 2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me. What kind of a little girl was your mom? 1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff. 2. I don't know because I wasn...

Unknown Author

Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day With little time to stop and pray For life's been anything but calm Since You called on me to be a mom Running errands, matching socks Building dreams with building blocks Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes And other stuff that children lose Fitting lids on bottled bugs Wiping tears and giving hugs A stack of last weeks mail to read So where's the quiet time I need? Yet when I steal a minute, Lord Just at the sink or ironing board To ask the blessings of Your grace I see then, in my small one's face That you have blessed me All the while And I stop to kiss That precious smile -- Unknown

amanda needs prayer

i am sure you remember last year when amanda went into the hospital for an intestinal blockage... well i got a call last night and she is back in the hospital with another blockage... it has been almost a year since the last one, but i just wanted all of my friends to remember her in prayer as it is very painful and they have her on some heavy pain killers to keep her out of pain, but it sends her for a mental loop... she said "high as a kite" in reference to the pain killers they have her on, so just do me a favor and keep her in your prayers. thanks and god bless you all dawn

Obey your parents

So, I am approaching a new technique with Kenzie who has been rebelling yet again, and I know that part of it is because we are not consistent with her, but I am also trying to really teach her the way of the Lord, so tonight before dinner, I told her we needed to have a little bible study. I read to her: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1. I then proceeded to explain to her that when we obey mommy and daddy it is as if we are obeying God, but when we disobey, we are disobeying God, and we don't want to disobey God do we? and she replied with "no, Mommy, we need to obey God" it was such a precious moment. I am trying to make sure that I don't loose my temper with her while I teach her with the help of God that she needs to obey me and Ryan. She will get it after a few times. Maddie has begun stripping completely right before proceeding to go to the potty. She doesn't like doing it on the potty, so we are ...

it's a tough one....

As many of you know, we have been fighting a long hard battle with getting Kenzie the help she deserves at school, but for those of you who don't know the battle, here is a quick run through: When Kenzie was 2 she started attending preschool just a couple days a week just for socialization. I noticed that she wasn't speaking as clearly as the other children so I asked her teacher if it was something I should be concerned about because I wanted to get on top of it. I was told she was only two and that I should wait to have any concern. I didn't stop there. We moved to Indiana, and the next year, I again came to the preschool meeting in December asking the same thing getting the same outcome, so I got her registered and pulled her out of private preschool, waited while I fought with the public school system about getting her into the school. The teacher actually booted a child who rarely came out of the program so that they could accept kenzie. Shew.. One hurdle finally...

been a week that's for sure

monday i started by calling the school and leaving a message for the teacher to call me... i got a call on tuesday afternoon as i walked kenzie and zoey home with me and maddie. i learned that the teacher may not have answers for me on friday (at the conference). she is finally having kenzie observed to decide if she can handle first grade work (this is something that a lot of us have thought should have been done earlier in the year). I also learned that even though I am an approved volunteer, I have to go through the volunteer coordinator to find out where I can volunteer (somethign that i found wierd). Wednesday, I called the volunteer coordinator to find out that as long as the teacher knows i am comming, I can go to the office, get my name tag, and then go on up to her classroom. Ok, so I got one thing straightened out. Now I just have to make the teacher aware that I will be at the school every other wednesday and every other friday. So, I will be in Kenzie's class vol...

The weekend....

was spent watching my lil fish out of water have a blast. She swam all weekend with Shelby and Riley. We also had a photo op with Amanda. Here are the pics she did of us. I will number them and wanted to know what your favorites are... Comment me with your favorite of the family. 1. out by the lake... 2. Having fun... 3. Sitting in the yard... 4. Pyramid in color 5. Pyramid in black and white There are more, but I wanted to get the chance to get rid of the ones I didn't like for whatever reason before I put them on here... Can't wait to get your opinions.

Fun times away from home

We got here to Derrick and Amanda's house around 11:30. I would guess that by 11:45, the kids were in the pool! Maddie from what Ryan said just walked right in! With water wings on of course, but it kind of freaked her out a little bit, so she decided to stay out of the water. That wasn't the case for Kenzie. She had her water wings on along with Alley the Aligator (as I call it). It's a floatie that goes around your waist to help you stay afloat. By the 3rd trip to the pool, Kenzie was swimming the length of the pool without Alley. Just the water wings. I will upload the pics and video later, since I forgot to bring my adapter for the camera. We have done family pics since being here and I must say AMANDA COX ROCKS! We are so fortunate to have Amanda as family. She is so good to us all! (And Derrick too!). The kids are running around the house while the rest of the house wakes up. We will be heading home this afternoon, but I wanted to give everyone an upda...

quiet house

ryan took the girls to roy and carol's house earlier since carol is watching them so we can do this inservice thing in the morning.. hope to pull out by 9 am so we can be in orlando by lunch time... it has been so quiet here that i have not known what to do with myself lol