
Showing posts from July, 2009

Cakes and More

I have been a busy little bee. I made a Hannah Montanna inspired cake last week. I have busted out an Africa one this week. I have 4 more this week. One of which will be done when we can get together with Roy and Carol. The other three are a cell phone smash cake, a castle cake, and an avon bag with nail polish and lipstick samples out of fondant. They will all be fun to do! We are heading to church this evening and can't wait. Kenzie and Maddie have been kids. Kenzie had a quick trip to the E.R. because she got a tiny rubberband up her nose, but all is well there. Maddie has been a little model. I will have to put the pics here, but if you want to see them and are on my friends list on facebook, you can find them in there already. If you don't know you can see my cakes here and that is about the update for now... more to come.

"The Clothesline Said So Much" by Marilyn K Walker

I recieved this poem in a baby shower invitation and wanted to share it with you all. A clothes line was a news forcast To neighbors passing by. There were no secrets you could keep When clothes were hung to dry. It also was a friendly link For neighbors always knew If company had stopped on by To spend a night or two. For then you'd see the 'fancy sheets' And towels upon the line; You'd see the 'company table cloths' With intricate design. The line announced a baby's birth To folks who lived inside As brand new infant clothes were hung So carefully with pride. The ages of the children could So readily be known By watching how the sizes changed You'd know how much they'd grown. It also told when illness struck. As extra sheets were hung; Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too, Haphazardly were strung. It said, 'Gone on vacation now' When lines hung limp and bare. It told 'We're back!' when full lines sagged With not an inch to spa...

busy busy busy

I am getting busier as the month goes on. I did the hannah montanna cake for Sherika, and went to church yesterday with Ryan. I got another small cake order for a surprise next week. Which is nice. I am also working on checking out how hard it will be to make the fondant animals and other pieces needed for doing the noah's ark baby shower cake for Anita. She asked me what I am planning on charging for it and upon looking at it I quoted her at the 60-80 range and she was totally game for it. Most people I have run across, I find they want to go the cheap route and I have a new outlook on my cake business. I am making a custom designed creation and I am going to be pricing them accordingly. If I don't, I won't make any money on them. We shall see how that works for me. Kenzie is enjoying her summer off, but is so ready to go back to school. I have Cecilia and Isabella tonight along with Kenzie. Ryan took Maddie to the bowling alley with him. Not much else is going t...