
Showing posts from October, 2009

7 years

I can't believe that it has been seven years since we got married! To celebrate, Carol and Roy watched the girls last night and we had a date night. We went to Souix City Steakhouse here in NPR. I had some awesome cheesy, bacony, mushroomy, chicken with a honey mustard sauce! Yummy! and then we were off to the Cheapo Theatre.... We saw Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (only cost us a whopping six dollars total). I had read the book and wanted to see the movie and as always I was disappointed because of all the details I thought should have been put in the movie that they cut out. Ryan was a little disturbed. When the hand came out of the water, he jumped LOL! And that is all I am saying in case someone wants to see it and hasn't yet. We then went to Starkey Park and hung out with Kev and Deb for a little while. That was fun. We made it home just before midnight. Fun times, but as we age, our bodies can't handle that as much. Today: Ryan and Roy playing g...

another week has passed...

so, yet another week passes and this is what has occured... thursday-- i volunteered in kenzie's class... had a blast with the kindergarten kids... we did lots of coloring and following directions. lots of fun... then i headed home to check in with ryan and maddie who had just been hanging out like monkeys hang from trees.... i spoke with my mom. pop had some blood work done a few weeks ago... and the white cell counts were high so they did a bone marrow biopsy to rule out cancer... RESULTS ARE IN: NEGATIVE!!! Praise the Lord!!! Friday: i worked. nothing really new there... same saturday and sunday.... monday was more of work only i got pulled to a unit i never work on and it was not fun... tuesday, my bestie met me at church for womens. i have been praying that she would come to womens because she needs the support right now and i was surprised she came.... today we are doing dance...

mid week update

i thought that since i brought the computer to church tonight while the girls were having dance class i would play on the internet. thank you jesus for free wifi! so i sit here realizing how much i need to make sure i get the dc jack on this puter worked on and how much i really do love my computer, but all in all, not a bad thing to do... kenzie is loving her dance class more and more. maddie could care less, so if she doesn't show an interest by the end of the month, then we will drop her and only carry kenzie and then if maddie shows an interest when she gets a little older, she can always pick it up again... ryan had a bout of not feeling well last night... his pulse started racing and i believe he was having an anxiety attack on top of having a hep b shot... and that is about that... i have lots of cake pics to put on here, but don't have the camera with me or i would upload them real quick... tata for now.

Just a little update

things have been a little busy around here. my friend tina lost her daughter unexpectedly last month. she is still waiting for autopsy results. this past week her father fell ill and as of yesterday they were having a bed side vigil at the hospice house waiting for him to pass. keep her in prayers please. my pop is waiting for results from a bone marrow biopsy, so continue to pray for him as well. kenzie is becoming quite the little ballerina. i will try to get some pics soon for you all. maddie is growing like a weed. she got sick about 2 weeks ago and we missed a full week of our normal activities, but now we are back to normal and she is feeling great. she had viral syndrome, so we thank God that it wasn't anything other than that. i am loving volunteering in kenzie's class. it is so rewarding and i can't wait from week to week to go back. ryan is back into the football groove! and that is that. more to come when i can.