
Showing posts from November, 2009

a busy day

last night, i had scrapbooking.. It wasn't until 2 am that I looked over at the clock and figured out I should be going to bed... LOL. we got up went to the flea market for a couple of things, then met up with carol for pictures with santa and more shopping. we then flew to her house.. put up the fall decor and got christmas suff down and headed home. i am ready to fall asleep now! kenzie and i did make a special thank you card for a very special person!

Scrappin' from the heart!!!!

I had another scrappin' meet at my apartment with Angelena on Friday night. We had so much fun. I am finding that I love doing this because I get to spend time with my bestie and dive into the memories of whatever pages/pictures we are creating that night. I started working on a "Fun in the Sun" page for Kenzie's book and another page for Maddie's book. I will charge my camera, find the adapter and put pics on here as soon as I get the pages finished. Can't wait to meet again on Friday night! More to come.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, I know you are very busy and you are getting lots of letters, but I hope you find this one in the mix of all of the others. My mommy and Daddy have to work Christmas Day, so could you please delay coming for me and my sissy until the day after christmas. Oh, and one more thing, come to Yaya and Pappy's house for us since that is where we want to have our christmas. Now for the best part, Santa here are our lists. Kenzie wants a wii and some wii games. Maddie wants a train track and some engines to chug around it. Thank you and we love you, Kenzie and Maddie

christmas is comming

so, i keep trying to find new ideas for everyone in my family. carol has given me a list, so has derrick and amanda... i know what i am getting riley. shelby is done... kenzie is almost done... maddie i haven't even begun on. ryan hasn't informed me of what he is desiring to recieve. and the same rings true for roy... grandma, well, i am just trying to decide on her... my mom i have part of hers done.... do the holidays ever end? i would guess not for me... i start early (i started in july this year, but somehow got behind on my gift buying... ) what am i gonna do to get caught up? who knows... LOL although, i can't wait for christmas because i am getting excited about what the kids are getting... LOL... i have also asked ryan to get me something really big, so we will see if he follows through with what i have asked him to do or not... since i gave him many ideas, who knows what i will get and that is what i like about the whole thing... kenzie has asked for only o...

Scrappin" with da girls!!!

Tonight I had the best time scrapbooking with some friends from church. Jessica is the teacher in the class the girls are in on Tuesday nights while I am in women's, and Angelena is my bestie whom is a member at the church I go to. I took plenty of supplies for me and her to hang out and work with. I took this machine called Sizzix Sidekick. I have to say I had fun learning how to use it. I wasn't really sure and since Jessica has done this for a while, she taught us some really cool things. She taught me how to take a template and emboss the whole top of my page so that I could make it really cool. I made the first page of Maddie's scrapbook. Next time, I will try to make the first page for Kenzie's book. I want to work on making the two books at the same time. I will likely have to go out and buy 2 scrapbooks so that I can work on the two at the same time. I also was able to spend time with two wonderful women tonight. We mommies don't realize how much...

Long awaited

Well, since we have moved, I hadn't gotten the internet and cable turned on. I broke down this month and got my services re established today. I am trying to decide what pics to upload since we have taken soooooo many since the last upload! The girls are in dance class. I go to womens at church every tuesday. We go every Thursday to evening services and I teach in 4' s 3 weeks a month. Not to mention the normal stuff we try to do... So we are a busy family, but all in all we are doing good. Ryan has been where we work now for a year and my anniverssary is in January. It is hard to believe that Christmas is next month, good thing I am done with Kenzie and only have a few more things to get for Maddie... Can't wait for it to be over!!!! I am so excited for the girls. Kenzie is doing really good in school (oh yeah, i volunteer in her math class every thursday) and Maddie is blossoming like you wouldn't believe. Well I better go for now. More to come!


We had tons of fun! Kenzie decided she would be a bride and Maddie was a princess. My bestie, Angelena, and her two kids, Cecilia and Isabella, came over to Roy and Carols house. Kevin and Ryan passed out candy and The girls and I with Angelena went trick or treating. The kids had a blast. When we were tired and the boys were out of candy, the two mommas came home and the boys took over. Kenzie and Maddie went through their first Haunted House! And LOVED it! Can't wait to have the extra money to go to disney and take them through the Haunted House! That should be really fun!!! And so I am awake and blogging before I forget to do it! My computer is being worked on and when it gets back we are planning on hooking up our cable and Internet so I can get back to blogging on a regular basis as well as putting some fresh pics on here including the halloween ones. That about does it for now...