
Showing posts from January, 2010

been busy

with life. will try to post here soon... have to be at kenzie's school at 3, so maybe after church tonight i will post about that... and maddie's appointment.

a sickly lil 6 year old

kenzie wasn't feeling well on sunday and today she missed school. she now has a fever blister on her lip. poor babe! she will pull through this. i know she will... let me put it this way, she fought with maddie, so i know she can't feel that bad. she is also watching cartoons smiling right now.... i am sure she will come through just fine!

fun times at jessica's

i went over to my friend jessica's about 3 months ago for a scrap meet. it was the first time i ever scrapped... so this was the reason i got into it so heavily. i had so much fun that i started into it big time. well i recently went back to pick up some stickers she had for me. we had a nice long chat and planned for a "crop" tomorrow. i am also going to go to her house next friday since ryan is off and then we will be heading over to moon lake to do some scrapping with a friend of hers who has every machine imaginable, so i hope i will be able to get some cool lo's done and maybe be able to cut more images than i currently can. i am loving this hobby so much. an update on the other things going on right now: *kenzie starts back to school monday (she can't wait)! *maddie has an evaluation for speech on 1/27 (i can't wait to see what the outcome is) *maddie continues to go potty on her own (she poo'd in the potty without me asking her to this morning...

happy day

so, kenzie has had her days where she doesn't want to have a happy mommy and daddy. well. i just looked over at her (sitting on the couch watching hannah montanna smiling like you wouldn't believe) and she said, "mommy, i had a happy day" that just makes my day! Mario Kart Wii: Yes, this was bought for ryan for christmas, but i'm telling you, i play it more than he does. we both have licenses (basically accounts) on there, I have won us (on my acct) all 32 tracks in the 50cc grand prix. I will start working on winning the last cup that I just unlocked in the coming days since it is the Special Cup and the tracks are very hard. Then on to winning the 150 cc ones and the 100 cc ones... Lastly, I have to win all of the time trials against ghosts in order to unlock the remainder of the items and drivers on the game, then, game on during parties! it's a really fun game to play with friends! maddie continues to grow like a weed! she told me last night "I...

9 favorite scrapbook lo's

Going into the 2k3 album for Kenzie is this lo. It is of her and shelby when they were just 7 and 14 weeks old. They were just adorable at that age. They have become so much closer as the years have gone on. They love spending time with each other and I love it when they can be together. These were my favorite pics of the girls from when maddie was a baby. She was maybe 5 months old here if that and Carol had gotten her and kenzie the matching outfits. I used the wording "I smile because you're my sister" because it was cute. I wanted it to say "I smile because you're my sister. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it." but didn't have room for it all... I had gotten this paper pad made by Martha Stewart and didn't know if i would be using the button paper, but it really worked out well to accentuate the outfits the girls had on. The embellie I chose was a pic of my girls cut in the shape of a heart and used glitter to ou...

hope everyone had a happy new year.

i hope you all had a happy new year. we sure did. we went to church so i could teach in the four year old class. this was supposed to be my last week teaching in 4's but i agreed to stay in fours until the end of febuary, then in march, i will be doing 2 nights in fours and one night in 1st grade for a few months, so hopefully by june, i will be in 1st grade 3 thursdays a month. the reason i am in fours is because i am hoping to help until they can get better coverage as many of the parents think that the church pays the teachers to man the classes so they can go to service, but this simply isn't the case. we did have a few parents say they would be interested and took information so they can get their ministry placement apps in so they can start helping out which is great. i am just believing that god will bring helpers in each week. this week we learned the first part of the lesson on noah and the ark. this is one of my all time favorite bible stories because of all o...