
Showing posts from October, 2010

how do i do it?

do what you might ask... well i get myself so busy that i sit back and wonder why i do it... like all of the projects i have going on right now and i keep adding to the list. there is the normal mommy duties, wifey duties, household duties, then there are the volunteer duties and i did something i normally don't do. i started volunteering at two schools not just one. i may have to drop the second school it is a bit much. then there is the scrapping for memories thing and the making bookmarks for fun thing..... then i am entering challenges for some of my layouts... and then there are the swaps and to top it all off, i am throwing a halloween party in a week! woah. thats a full plate... i must slow down before it overtakes me i think. so this week, is clean clean clean, shop shop shop, cook cook cook, cake cake cake, decorate decorate decorate, party party party, and pics pics pics. and in the middle of all of this we are looking at some houses when we can and ryan is going to...

the happenings...

since i have been mia, loads has happened... i will start from today and work my way back.... today, wednesday, was a status quo day... nothing major going on... yesterday, we picked up roy's car for him from the shop and dropped it off at his house.. hung out a bit with yaya and then rushed to beat the bus home... to get kenzie from school... monday, not a lot to report. sunday, anyone close to the family knows what happened there... so i am not putting it in here. too tragic right now.... and we spent the day at the park with yaya, riley, shelby, and the gator... yes, we saw a gator in the water!!! the girls thought it was pretty cool. saturday, maddie wasn't feeling well, so i kept her home with me and kenzie went to the new childrens museum in tampa with yaya and riley and shelby. they had a blast. pics to come for that post... friday nothing really new went on there... thursday i went and volunteered and on my way home found a horse on the side of the road. i called t...