April 2010
you may be bigger than me shelby, but i am sneakier!!! we had so much fun at sunset beach with you on spring break!!! running in for the splash! kenzie's gonna get it if maddie has anything to say about it! gi gi and mi mi posed with maddie for a pic! i love you mi mi! Mi mi is gi gi's friend mary. she came down to drive gi gi home from florida and we spent the day with her at the beach. kenzie and shelby had so much fun! they are the best of buds when we get a chance to be around them. check out the shirts shelby found for her and kenzie! yeppers their arrows pointed at each other! they were so proud of them! easter bunny was so very nice to us this year! so this is what mommy was talking about when she said that we were going to the easter egg hunt at church. look ma, it's sand! howard park with my bathing beauties on spring break. had to take a minute to pose with my girls!