
Showing posts from November, 2010

April 2010

you may be bigger than me shelby, but i am sneakier!!! we had so much fun at sunset beach with you on spring break!!! running in for the splash! kenzie's gonna get it if maddie has anything to say about it! gi gi and mi mi posed with maddie for a pic! i love you mi mi! Mi mi is gi gi's friend mary. she came down to drive gi gi home from florida and we spent the day with her at the beach. kenzie and shelby had so much fun! they are the best of buds when we get a chance to be around them. check out the shirts shelby found for her and kenzie! yeppers their arrows pointed at each other! they were so proud of them! easter bunny was so very nice to us this year! so this is what mommy was talking about when she said that we were going to the easter egg hunt at church. look ma, it's sand! howard park with my bathing beauties on spring break. had to take a minute to pose with my girls!

March 2010

Kenzie had tons of fun working word searches with GiGi! And I took advantage of the moment!!! Kenzie, Shelby, and Maddie went for a walk with me to the Playground. A fun bonding moment for the three of them. Gizmo decided he wanted to play dress up. he was tired of being a dog and wanted to be a fairy princess!!! Maddie went with Denise, Gene, Shawn, Seth, and Kenzie to the Chasco Fiesta! Time for a snack before the boat Parade.

Febuary 2010

looking super cool in her shades and winter coat! she decided to play like i couldn't get a good pic of her!!!! Maddie enjoyed our time with little shane. he loved holding him. and of course, mommy had to make sure she got a good pic of the two of them. "I love you little shane" says maddie! this was just too cute not to post! Pappy took Kenzie to the Sweetheart Dance. They had a blast. Complete with a pink corsage because she was wearing a pink dress! From what I hear, she was the dancing machine!!!

January Pics

Mandi gave birth to Natalia Rose! Isn't she a cutie!!! I can't believe it has been almost a year already!!! My friend Jessica and I had a habit of staying out til about 3 am scrapping!!! We have since scaled back our time as we are both busy mom's but we still enjoy playing in our scrappy stuff!!!

Just a quickie

Just checking in quick! i'll be uploading pics from the whole year in 10 different posts at some time today. why am i doing this? to make sure you get the best of the best of the moments here in the cox world! before i head to big lots, i do want to share something with you though, as you know, we LOVE CHRIST in this house! and we try to show it. last night, i came home from my mil's with her Explorer for the week. Since fil is out of town, she is driving his car and is letting me use hers. feels really good to have a second car so that we don't have to worry about getting ryan to work and us to CCWC. Anyway, after the neighbors thinking we had bought a new car and declining that, I was outside talking to them. They stated they were trying to get their lives straightened out, so I invited them to Church. One of the ladies looked at me like I was crazy. So, what do I do? How can I show the love that Christ has given me? It took a split second to lighten the moo...