
Showing posts from February, 2011

a fun weekend

just thought i would recap a very busy weekend for us... friday, ryan worked but when he got off of work we left for deltona. we love our trips to deltona! it's only 2.5 hours away and we have so much fun visiting mandi and albert; jessa, aj, and tali too! we got there at 130 am. went to bed around 3, then spent saturday morning lounging around and playing around in the scrap room... headed to longwood at about 4. time for the surprise party came faster than you might think, but it was fun catching up with so many people and meeting some new people as well. at about 1030 we headed back to deltona and then in the am back to longwood... played some cards with riley and shelby, headed to the outlet mall on the way home. we didn't actually get home yesterday til bed time... we were beat.... then this am, i got up and went to jessicas! i guess i hadn't had enough of being busy over the weekend... we decided to scrap a little which was very nice!!! i got a lot of work do...

a busy week

it's been a busy week, but that doesn't compare to the days to come... next week, i have a swap to go to so i can help my friend jessica... baby shower cake to make... camping supplies to get together... grocery shopping... running to the car lot to pick up spare keys... and the list seems to continue growing... good thing i have a car that can handle it now :) i know that was short, but i am short on time right now.. dinner is calling my name wanting me to prepare it... so i guess i'll see ya later

Cereal Box Mini Album

Here is the album I made today. I was inspired by my friend's monthly kit challenge. I used all papers from Die Cuts With a View. They had put out a paper pad called The Christmas Combo 180 Stack. It is 3 of their stacks in a combination pad. I used many of the prints in this little book I am giving to my mom. For the front page, I used fibers to tie it together and used a few of them for a little border along the edge of the binding. I got my inspiration from a Christmas Carol. The wording for this front page says: Christmastime is here Happiness and cheer fun for all that children call their favorite time of year For page one, I wanted to keep it pretty simple, so I covered the back of the title page with pp and then added the next verse to the song. It says: Snowflakes in the air Carols everywhere Olden times and ancient rhymes of love and dreams to share The next page I have in the book is where the photo's begin. The photography was taken by Angels Touch Photograp...

fun projects

so, as we all know, i get all into paper crafts... well, when i post my next few projects, you may want to take me to the loony bin!!! i am using oragami in one of them (this one will post much later than the first) and the other was due to a challenge blog! I am working on a christmas themed cereal box mini album!!! yep. I am using a cereal box that was about empty and turned it into a really cute mini album... i am still working on it so pics will come this evening or tomorrow after the glue has all dried... so far i have used: 1 cheerio's box 7 printed papers all from the die cuts with a view christmas pad i got on sale a few months ago... i may pull in a few more for mats and embellishments as well.. and it wouldn't be one of my mini's without fibers, so you can expect to see some pretty green (and if i can get my hands on some red ones, i'll put them on it too :)) i am feeling better, still have a cough, but all in all the cox's are all on the road to reco...

on the mend

so i feel much better today. still have an awful cough, but all in all i am feeling much better. so the agenda for the week goes like this: Monday: kids to the park day. kenzie is off of school so we are goign to enjoy a picnic lunch at the playground. Tuesday: mommy to womens at church and a scrappy few hours with jessica Wednesday: begin the scrapbook area transformation Thursday: church Friday: pack and leave for Deltona (as long as we are all healthy and not grounded) the following weekend will be fun as well. friday after kenzie gets off of the bus, i am taking the girls out to starkey park... it'll be fun and then saturday am i have planned a shopping trip for me and my friend debbie... fun times :)

a new car!

finally, we were able to find a new car. new to us. not brand new, but it doesn't matter as long as it runs like a charm right. well we did and honestly, we love it! that is not our car. i got the image from the web. i am waiting to upload the actual pic of our car. the difference is that our car has a spoiler on the back and a sun roof also. (yes, our car is white) the girls love this car as well. i am sure they will miss having the tv/vcr combo that the van had, but it was time for a new vehicle. we are sure to love the toy as ryan is calling it! and what else is going on here, well not much.... scrapping a little but nothing major really..

Happy Birthday Kenzie

As you all know, Kenzie just turned 8. It's amazing to me that she is so big already. Well I decided that since I am making changes, one of them is that I am beginning to blog on a regular basis again. In order to do this, I need to be sure I share with my friends more often. I am starting with the most recent event that has happened in our family. We had Mackenzie's birthday party last weekend at Yaya and Pappy's house. As normal, I made her cake for her after she decided the theme. As you can see, she decided that Tinkerbell was what she wanted for her party, so I made her a cute little cake for the party. Complete with her friends! She loved it! I have to say I was highly satisfied with how it came out! The purple and green were perfect and then adding a frame to add some spice to it from Corel was just perfect! First thing Saturday morning, the Tinkerbell jumper arrived and the kids were totally game for it. Kevin got to the party early and played in the jum...

Getting back to the basics

So, I have decided it's time to get back to the basics. I have deleted all of my excess blogs... I had 2 that were private and one that was a public one for the business stuff that never took off. I have also decided this year is going to be a pivital part of my life. The para pro assessment is happening this summer, and then we will go from there. Kenzie will be in 3rd grade next year it is time for me to take charge of our lives! Maddie will be in kindergarten so she needs things taken care of prior to going into that grade. it is just time for things around here to change... for the better.. my goals are: get my para pro done get a job as an instructional assistant for the school board take human anatomy and physiology lecture and lab so i can then move on to the next set of goals pay for and take the 15 month course to get my coding degree then get a job working in a hospital as a coder. can i really do all of this in the next 2 years, i am goign to be brave and say yes i ca...