
Showing posts from May, 2011

quick update

hey all! i haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, but here's a quick update: i got sick after that last post. i've been on the mend since... :) we had maddie's 5th birthday at the beach (i am uploading pics later today if i can get them all edited by then :) ryan has been working 12 hour night shifts, so sleeping for him has been the priority here as of late. i have begun a few things... one group of my friends calls it the "weightloss wagon", i call it operation weightloss, and another group of my friends calls it "mission slimpossible" i love all three names, so needless to say, i am working on some really healthy options and perhaps i will shed some pounds and make my gerd/asthma better. i also have been invited to go try zumba tonight. i am going to let you in on a secret, i am not really very pumped about it. i am worried because of my asthma, but that's ok, by going i can find out if i will like it as well as meet with someone a...

One of my favorite songs

In between challenges, while my layouts are drying, I thought I would play around here... One of my favorite bands is Jesus Culture! Totally my music. Anyway, this is one of my favorite songs!!! You won't relent until you have it all My heart is yours I'll set You as a seal upon my heart As a seal upon my arm For there is love that is as strong as death Jealousy demanding as the grave Many waters cannot quench this love Come be the fire inside of me Come be the flame upon my heart Come be the fire inside of me Until You and I are one Come be the fire inside of me Come be the flame upon my heart Come be the fire inside of me Until You and I are one What do I love about this song? The happy dance my heart does when it's on! It uplifts me even when I am depressed! I can praise this song at any moment in my day and it will do miracles in my soul! It is on my playlist at the bottom of my blog if you want to listen to it!!

Quick Quotes

I stumbled across this company blog not long ago and wanted to take the chance to let you all know the details. Quick Quotes has released a blog effective today. As a Scrapbooker, I am always looking for new and fresh quotes to use for some of my layouts. This blog will provide me with some new inspiration for my layouts. I hope you will jump over there and check it out. Also, if you choose to, they are having a give away! For the details, go here Have a great National Scrapbooking Day!!!

just a few notes of how our week has been...

*ryan started his new job on sunday *the girls have been status quo * our tomatoes and sunflowers are doing great *yesterday i woke up sicker than a dog. *tomorrow is NATIONAL SCRAPBOOKING DAY so ryan is taking kenzie to his mom's house (maddie is already there) and i am going to attempt to participate in the events that are being held on * mothers day so far has been great. ryan gave me some scrappy supplies and kenzie made me a really cute pen that has flowers coming out of the top of it. it is stored on my desk in a little flowerpot she brought it home from school in. totally cute. she also wrote a story about me... i'll get it out of the car tomorrow and post it. I do have to say that her handwriting is improving so very much! she is reading up a storm and now we just have to focus on her mathmatics ability. i loved math, but ryan hated it from what i understand... kenzie doesn't mind it she just struggles with it... and that is all i have the energ...

Today's Sermon Notes

The Law of Priority Matthew 6:33 But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all things will be given to you as well. The word first means: -first in priority -order of importance What are the priorities when it comes to families? 1. The LORD is always first **Spending time with the Lord is vital** -it keeps you in the spirit -it changes your heart -it gives you wisdom -it keeps you in humility -it keeps your speech and thinking in line -it helps you follow the word of God 2. The family is second -you are married to your spouse and not to your parents or other family members -you are married to your spouse and not to your grandchildren -even though the Lord is #1 in your life you are still married to your spouse 3. work is third 2 Thessalonians 3:10-15 For even when we were with you, we gave this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we c...