
Showing posts from July, 2011

your attitude stinks

interesting title isn't it? well that's what i feel like saying to kenzie. sure, mommy was great when she let me go to orlando to see riley and shelby... but now that i have been home for a few days, mommy is the meanest person on earth and i don't like her so i am going to give her a really bad attitude from the time i wake up to well past my bedtime... it is getting old really quick, so guess what? KENZIE IS GROUNDED! from now until i find that she has started to regret being mean. no computer, no wii, no phone calls, no visiting friends, no visiting relatives, no surprises, no tv. all she is allowed to do is read her books and work on her math using our chalk board. (oh, and i forgot to add, NO DS!) she will learn one way or another that the way she has been acting lately is not something that she can get by with. i would ground her from her bicycle, but it wouldn't do any good since the tire is flat LOL i will be making her go outside and run laps about on...

sweetpea beauty-- veggietales

the girls and i watch veggie tales a lot, but it wasn't until Beth posted a video to facebook that I really connected with the one movie... and yes, i am still sobbing like a baby... here's the song: Nichole Nordeman-- Beautiful for me. you can find it on youtube... it is a great message to all of us women... and just in the nick of time... as you read in my previous posts... i have been very down on myself, but i am trying to turn that around... once you hear the song, you will understand... see, growing up, i was made fun of and talked bad to all of my life, and it seems here lately, i can't find one good thing to say about me... this video really hit home... and i can't stop listening to it!!!

you make beautiful things out of dust

so, i have been struggling here lately with some internal issues of my own.... it always helps a little to blog about things when i am feeling this way, so i decided i would do just that... so anyway, i have been being very negative on myself because of several reasons, and then today, i just decided that it was time to come out of this funk, and turned on my favorite radio station JOYFM when I did, the song you make beautiful things out of dust was playing... This song really spoke revelations to me... Here are the words and then I will explain what I mean by it spoke to me... All this pain I wonder if I’ll ever find my way I wonder if my life could really change at all All this earth Could all that is lost ever be found Could a garden come up from this ground at all You make beautiful things You make beautiful things out of the dust You make beautiful things You make beautiful things out of us All around Hope is springing up from this old ground Out of chaos life is being found in ...

Pappy's Angels

For Father's Day, Amanda did photo's of the girls with their Pappy! They turned out great! I thought as a way to share with you, I would make them into a Collage for the blog. Really nice I think. It is hard to believe looking at these how big the girls have all gotten! And even harder to believe that come next month they ALL will be going to school! Wow.

giddy girls

so it's been a while since i have posted, but i have good reason. my laptop isn't doing so well. i am waiting to get it fixed, so i use the computer when i can. the girls are getting so giddy! they are excited for a few reasons. * they get to go see aunt amanda, uncle derrick, aunt taylor, riley, shleby, maggie and sam tomorrow. * they both are getting giddy for school to start! Madison is excited that she will be starting kindergarten in the fall. Kenzie is growing so fast! I can't believe she is going into 3rd grade already. * they both are doing a little practice math over the summer. they love it. No, maddie doesnt' quite get it but I am introducing her into the addition she will be introduced to in kindergarten. it will be good for her to practice and get familiar with some of the problems she will see in the coming year. kenzie however is doing good. she is great with her addition so far and although her subtraction is needing work, this is why we are doing this p...