First Graded Homework of the Year!!!
So, with the 2nd week of school, Kenzie starts getting homework!! We love homework! She has always loved school, and we are praying that her love for school will continue as she grows older, although for some reason, I am fearing the teenage years with this child! Anyway, it was math, her worst subject thus far, and when she brought it home yesterday, Ryan checked her backpack not me. So I just happened to find it this am after she went to school and was pleasantly surprised to see an A+ sticker on it!!! That's my girl!!!
Last night we had Open House at Madison's school, it didn't amount to much as I said school's just now in the 2nd week of school, but we went to support her. She loved showing us around her class and I think it really did her good to see that Mommy and Daddy are just as excited about her going to school as her sister is! This morning, she woke up all smiles and got ready with no tears!!! She's doing great this week with no crying! She pr...