
Showing posts from August, 2011

First Graded Homework of the Year!!!

So, with the 2nd week of school, Kenzie starts getting homework!! We love homework! She has always loved school, and we are praying that her love for school will continue as she grows older, although for some reason, I am fearing the teenage years with this child! Anyway, it was math, her worst subject thus far, and when she brought it home yesterday, Ryan checked her backpack not me. So I just happened to find it this am after she went to school and was pleasantly surprised to see an A+ sticker on it!!! That's my girl!!! Last night we had Open House at Madison's school, it didn't amount to much as I said school's just now in the 2nd week of school, but we went to support her. She loved showing us around her class and I think it really did her good to see that Mommy and Daddy are just as excited about her going to school as her sister is! This morning, she woke up all smiles and got ready with no tears!!! She's doing great this week with no crying! She pr...

and the first week is over

we are starting week two of school\ kenzie is adapting very well as always to going to school. i never have had trouble with getting her to go to school, it's her sister that i have issues with. maddie just does not want to go. we are making her ride the bus now because ryan needs the car some mornings, so i can't just take her. she doesn't like that and replies, "mommy i wanna hang out with you" it's hard, but it is what is best for her. she'll adapt to it soon enough (i hope) and hopefully she will start to love school the same way kenzie does... sunday we took the kids swimming and they had a blast!!! was soo much fun! they love being in a pool... and that's about the update for now.. more to come when i am happier... maddie had another morning of crying from the time she got up and she was still crying when she got on the bus... even made me promise to wait at the bus stop all day!!! wow she's a momma and daddy's girl!

Maddie meet Dr. Small...

I know I haven't been good at posting on a regular basis. So much has been going on, so I am going to try and post a little at a time til I get you all caught up. First things first, Madison (aka Maddie) had an appointment with the eye doctor on Saturday. She was very excited to go. When we got there they did all of the normal tests (and let me tell ya, they can now take digital pictures of your retina!!!) That was sooo cool! Anyway, after the initial exam the doc said she would need glasses because she is far sighted. He decided to dialate her just to confirm that the script would be the correct one, so after 4 eyedrops, we were in the waiting room for 15 minutes. He confirmed and we were off to go pick out PURPLE glasses! She got them that afternoon and has had them on since!!! dare I say she is beautiful? LOL Anyway, more to come later :)

What a Week!!!

this week has been insane to say the least!!! Monday: Both girls had their back to school physicals... Let me just say this: holy, KENZIE has to have a shotttt??? We weren't expecting Kenzie to have to have any shots, but we got through it... Maddie had 4 shots. They both are healthy! Maddie has to go back and have some warts frozen, which is not one of those days I will be looking forward to, but it's all in a day's Mothering right! Tuesday: Preparing the girls for Meet the Teacher day took more out of me than I thought it would. I sort of took the day off of doing my long list of to do's to get Maddie mentally ready for what she was going to do on Wednesday. Wednesday: Meet the teacher day at 2 schools. So, since the website said 830, we got at Maddie's school at 8am. No problem right? Wrong! They decided to wait until 9 to start and where they had the sign for the registration wasn't where the line was supposed to be so all of the ones...

is today over yet?

today has been a very busy day... home made sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast... mmmm a family favorite here :) put a roast and veggies in the crock pot while i was cooking this am... grocery store... walgreens... target... marshalls... walmart.... back to school fashion show with the girls... dinner with ya ya and pappy.... and now i have two sleeping angels... it's a great thing... tired but wanted to sent in a quick update... it's been a crazy busy day but a good kind of crazy

Praise You In This Storm w/ Lyrics!!


What in the world was that person thinking?

First, I want to say that I am so very happy to be back to blogging on a regular basis! It was quite a not so fun time of my life when I stopped blogging. I feel like by blogging, I can get a few things out of my mind that otherwise would just sit there. So, anyway, most of you know by now that we got a new to us car in February. I love my little camry and I love it so much that I do not love the rear bumper right now! Ryan stopped in at publix on the way home and picked up a gallon of milk. Well, when he came out, he noticed that someone had rear ended our car AND JUST LEFT! So, now we get to replace the bumper to our car. It is still drivable, but it's just the point that when they nudged it, they didn't stop. They kept going and the dent in the bumper tells us that. Not to mention we have what looks like copper color paint and something black from their vehicle as well. So my question is this, what has this world come to that you have to hit someone elses car backi...

Does Couponing Really work????

So, I've been thinking a lot lately. Not to worry, I know this is a real danger for me LOL! But seriously, I have been doing a lot of that and here's my thoughts. Many of you have probably heard of the tv show TLC's Extreme Couponing right? Well, I thought I would share some of our story as far as that goes. While we do not live in a state that allows coupon doubling, we do get some great deals here in Florida. So great that I have been asked by my mom and her friend Bev to mentor them in couponing, therefore I am up for the challenge :) Now, basically, I want to share how I got involved and why. Then I will share some of my successes and how couponing really has helped us in the last few months. First, I was one of those ladies who casually clipped coupons for years and never cashed in on ANY of the deals. Ring a bell? Well, I am hoping that at the end of this post I will have you interested in learning how to do it and do it well for your family. So, our backgro...

busy momma

the last few days, i have been super busy! it seems like it never ends... quick update: kenzie's school didn't accept any children school choice applications. therefore maddie doesn't get to go to school with her sister. ryan's schedule got changed YET AGAIN! maddie is doing great! she loves that she has one tooth out! she is such a cutie mom came in last week and we had friday to go shopping: here's what our day consisted of: ihop hospice thrift store salvation army thrift store usa flea market mc donalds photos new shirts school clothes fun times with nana it was a very busy day and we were all exhausted by the time it was done. i'll be editing and posting the pictures when i get a chance... saturday and sunday have been equally busy. kenzie decided yesterday that she wants to tell me "mommy, for my birthday can we have a carnival?" really child.... good thing you are telling me in july and your birthday isn't til FEB!!! so i am holding...