
Showing posts from December, 2011

a few fun photos

Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS! You know we Cox's like to have a good time and mommy captured this one quickly!!! Love the way it turned out! Decided it must be our Christmas Photo for the year! The girls will probably not be a big fan of mine when they get older and still see this photo hanging around the house, but oh well! Its the fun we had making the memories that matters! My beautiful Maddie decided she would model for me on one of Kenzie's off days and I got some great photos of her! I can't believe that she's already almost 1/2 way through her kindergarten year! My how time flies!!! My girl what can I say! She's such a silly one! I was able to talk kenzie into one photo. I have blurred out the edges in order to create some focus on her! She's such a great sport at it!!!


Maddie was a sickly lil girl yesterday. Well it started Saturday in Orlando, but got bad enough Monday evening we took her to the er. She has a double middle ear infection. Not good, but she's on antibiotics and should be good to go very soon. I have finally figured out 2 backdrops I can use for the Santa photos! Woo Hoo! I was really trying to come up with something that wouldn't look too bad, and well, I think I have done it. Now I just have to decide on the one I am going to end up using!!! Ryan's doing well. Still loving his job. Kenzie is still doing well in 3rd grade. She's gotten in the habit of reading to Maddie on a regular basis! Awesome! And that's really all that's going on here other than next week maddie gets to wear her sock monkey jammies to school! she's totally excited! it's a fun christmas thing they are doing with her class!

time for a check in....

i will admit this year i haven't been the best blogger... life just kind of took over... during november right before thanksgiving, i got really sick... i didn't do anything as far as social media during that time and took a while to get back to it... now we are approaching christmas and ryan has maddie at the er now... kenzie's laying on my bed behind me just coughing her head off... yep... sickness has struck once again... maddie is a little sicker than kenzie and so, i told him to take her on in. that way we get her on meds asap! i'll update when i know what she has... but i think it may be strep (don't quote me because i am no dr but that's just a momma's gut feeling). kenzie just has the symptoms of a cold... so this week, we have two sickies, ryan working like mad, and i am working on a backdrop for friday... i have photo's with santa for my mommy group friday, tina's kiddies saturday morning, and then ashley's kiddies that afternoon, an...