my journey
As many of my readers know, I have never been a toothpick and have struggled with my weight all of my life. Well, I have decided to begin what will be a very long journey to a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. Tonight I want to share just what has sparked this journey in me. Many of you don't know the extent of my struggles, but it started when I was a child and only given beans and potatoes on most nights for meals. The nights we were given other things, they were all loaded with carbs and fat. Not healthy! As I grew up, I moved in with my aunt who later adopted us. It was then that we were afforded the luxury of different foods. Many of those that we chose were fat and carb loaded because that was what we knew. After graduation of high school, I moved in with my sister in Florida. Our car broke down a few weeks later and we were forced to ride our bicycles everywhere. While this was not our choice, we both trimmed down and I was at the lowest weight since being...