
Showing posts from June, 2012


Well, I know this may sound silly, but I am in love! I have found the cup we all want for our kitchen! And while many people might want to make sure they have matching cups, I'm going out on a limb here and saying that we want to get a tervis that is personalized to what each of us like. Why do we want these cups? Well, yesterday, at my Celebrate & Connect meeting, we were given Tervis cups for our amenity. (More on that later) And, while I haven't bought them in the past, I was excited to give it a try. I got home and put ice water in it. About an hour later, there still was no condensation on my cup! YES! I love this cup! Now, I have been using it for about a day now and no water circles, no need for coasters, they are dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and according to the website they are virtually indestructable. While they are a bit pricey, I think they are worth it! They run about $11 and up for the 16 oz I was given. So now, on to the amenity that I told ...

decisions and moving on

while you know this week has been a week of decisions, we have gone through the decision making process for quite a while and most of the time i feel like we haven't made the best decisions, but when i think about that i resolve to move on to better decision making. with that said, i woke up this morning and made the decision to go to career central. while many of you might not know what this palce is, it's a place locally that will assist with employment and training to re enter the work force. i got the orientation for the wia program done. i've put in a few applications, and now am working on getting a great resume done. ryan is working on a few things of his own, and i am hoping that sometime soon he will want to blog about that too. kenzie and maddie have been great throughout this whole process... so they will be excited to learn that i stopped in at the y to apply for the open doors program! so i am hoping we can start that soon too. my friend christine has been...

'tis a beautiful day

today is going to be a great day! not only is my hubby home <3 but my girls are having fun and i will be able to see my friend diana at church tonight! missed her something fierce here lately!!! i've printed the application to get my transcript, and just waiting to send it out til tomorrow when i get some stamps. i have ordered the pencil pouches for the girls, so that can be marked off of the to do list... and now i get to do what i love! reading my bible. i only have 1/2 of yesterdays reading to catch up on and then do todays, so i have to get busy, but before i do, i have to say that i am shocked. i mean, i know that there are people out there who are going to try and bring my faith down, but to find some articles on the internet where people are actually suggesting that Jesus was gay???? i mean, geez i just don't get it. i mean, the bible says that jesus was without sin. he was god in the flesh and god doesn't sin. the bible talks about how jesus was uprig...

First Set of Steps

So, I just got off of the phone with the college, and here are the steps I have to take: 1. Submit General Application and $25 Application Fee 2. Submit my High School Transcript (I have contacted the District, so I am just waiting on that one to come in) 3. Apply for Financial Aid as soon as possible. 4. Sit for Placement TEAS test. Submit $50 Testing Fee 5. Go in for New Student Orientation. 6. Attend Advisor Appointment to set schedule and answer any questions. 7. Take Pre Requisites-- A & P 1 and the Lab, Microcomputer Applications, Science of Human Nutrition, and Intro to Psych. So now for the hurry up part of this, to be able to go in January, I have to have all of this done by September 2012, So I think it's safe to say, I'll enter the program next August. While it's a year away, that gives me time to get it all done. I'll have until May to get everything done, so that gives me time to get all of my classes under my belt and be excited for the RN pr...

A great start!

So, you all know about yesterday's post and I am happy to report that I am having a great support from my closest friends! Thank you so very much!!! Here's a very short update: I've contacted my high school district for my transcript! I know it's not a huge thing, but I have to have this first before I can start the process of taking the TEAS test and ultimately starting the Nursing Program! I'll be heading into the community college just as soon as this comes in! After talking with my husband (who is working out of town right now) He's supportive of this decision as I knew he would be. We have talked about it before but never followed through, and this time, there's going to be no stopping me! I'm ready to take this bull by the horns! And with so many of my friends urging me forward and not having attitudes toward the decision, I am really feeling that I can do this. I have spoken to the girls just to inform them of what Mommy is up to and they a...

here's to beginnings

every now and then, we all have trials and tribulations.  and we don't always make the right decisions, so here's to new beginnnings!  ryan and i are embarking on a new beginning in our lives.  we are attacking this bull as a team yanking on the horns.  we will be successful.  and you know sometimes you have to fall all the way down before you can pick yourself up and dust your pants off and work your way up that ladder to success once again.  in the last 4 years, we stumbled, got up and started working toward the top again, but because we were making foolish decisions, we have fallen all the way to the bottom of the ladder, and now we are going to be starting fresh.  while he's had a great job, i have been staying home with the kids.  i will be challenging the state exam to get my certified nursing assistant's license back.  i allowed mine to lapse so i could spend time with maddie before she went to school.  now that she's starting fir...