AMAZING dessert
so, you prolly know we are getting a pretty nasty storm named isaac here in florida today and the weather will be pretty bad through most of the week probably... so we decided since the girls can't go outside to play today, we would make dessert together... somethign we have started doing once a week. this week, we wanted ice cream cake, so i found a recipe on kraftfoods and it's really yummy! this think is really rich, so small servings will be plenty! it's a great alternative for those who don't care for regular cake and not near as expensive as buying an icecream cake from dairy queen or baskin robbins. not to mention the fun we had making it! Mackenzie (9) helped me while Madison (6) played computer. the hardest part was unwrapping the ice cream sandwiches! it was a very yummy dessert after our homemade chinese pork and veggie stir fry! i love cooking for my family, and here...