
Showing posts from November, 2012


So, as many in my family can tell you, I've always said I wanted to go back to college, but never ACTED on it.  Well, I am here to say, I AM DOING THIS!  What proof do you have?  Well, none, but the government does!  I just finished my fafsa application and it's looking GOOD!  I can't wait.  So here's how it works: Apply for Aide-- this takes longer, so if you want to go back to school, do yourself a favor and apply for aide before you apply for your college! Order transcripts-- they will be ordered tomorrow come what may!  The copy is only $10, so that won't be a biggie.  They should be to me within 10 days, so I can run those in to the school.  Apply for college-- I'll need to pay a $25 application fee, but for me, it's worth it.  This will also be happening tomorrow!  WooHoo!  Things are getting done.  According to Pasco-Hernando Community College, I should be able to have it all done and start my classes come J...

The things kids say....

The things my kiddies say CRACK ME UP!!!  I am sure all mom's say this, but today, I busted out laughing when Maddie came in the livingroom... Here's the story: I had a friend who was supposed to be stopping by, so since we haven't seen her for a while, I got Maddie into a really cute little outfit.  Something special so she could see her "aunt".  Well, she's sick and didn't get to come, but right after I got her ready, down to hair and all, I'm sweeping the living room and she comes in and declares, with hand on the hip and the whole bit, "I HAVE A HOTT DATE TONIGHT!"  LOL  Where she hears these things I have no clue!  She warms my heart when she does things like that.  Now I have the two of them over in the living room teaching each other how to play the Soprano Recorder, also known as the flute.  Mackenzie got it last year because she had to have one for music class.  I bought the book too so they could learn a little of how to read mu...