
Showing posts from February, 2013

Cold snap please go away!

Another cold snap hit our area, and I'm not a fan of it!  I just wish the weather would decide if it wants to stay warm or cold.  This back and forth stuff is for the birds!  So other than that not a lot going on. We are continuing our house search.  We've wanted to find a nice house at a good price, and well, we are still on that search.  We aren't sure where in the area we will find our house, but it's a continuing process.  Keeping the budget in mind while we look is really the deciding factor there. I'm continuing my job search.  It's been a tough market for a couple years so I'm hoping that I will find something soon.  I don't HAVE to go back to work but it just would make it so much easier as far as our budget goes. Kenzie is doing great!  She was in a mainstream class for the first time since Kindergarten on Friday and LOVED it!  I'll be e-mailing the teacher she spent the day with to see how it went from a teacher's perspec...