
Showing posts from May, 2013


If you were a girlscout, as a brownie you would have learned this song: Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other is gold. So now, take a moment to think... do you cherish your friends?  I think this is something we need to reflect on ever now and then.  We all have our friends, best friends, fair weather friends, etc.  I challenge you to look at how you are a friend to others.  Are you there no matter what or are you simply there when it will benefit YOU. 

Rainy afternoon

Today turned out to be a beautiful rainy afternoon.  We got to use the sock monkey umbrella on our walk home from school.  Jumping in puddles along the way!  Brings me back to my childhood when we did just that. 

Last days of school

As the school year dwindles down, it seems we get busier every year!  I have my little Madison repeating first grade to help her get caught up, Mackenzie heading on to 4 th.  And nursing school is a closer reality for me as I narrow down the programs I am interested in.  St Pete College is out.  PHCC is still in the running with 3 other schools.  Lots to do but in time it will happen. Ryan is doing pretty good, but cant wait for me to get thru my schooling...  and thats about it.