
Showing posts from July, 2013

Updated list of todo's

I thought I would show you the updated to do list for the Nursing program, it's been a fun transitional time in my life.  I can't wait for this program! It will feel great to go through the program and come out on top of my life finally!  I agree, I shouldn't have waited so long to go back to school, but God has a plan, and he needed me to go through life down this path for a reason.  I will succeed!   Submit Application Placement Test Fafsa Teas (nursing placement test)-- I took a practice teas yesterday, and if it were the teas for getting into the program, I would be in right now!  LOL  So, I have some registering for the teas and studying to be able to score that good on the longer test.   Submit any transcripts College Experience Course Immunizations CPR certification Interview with Dean Enrollment Agreement Background Checks Meet with the financial aid appointment Nursing Orientation Schedule Start Classes Just a quick update on the girls and...

So excited!!

I feel like a combination of a kid in a candy store and santa delivering gifts on christmas eve!!! I passed my entrance exam!!!  On to the teas!!!  it will happen SOOOOOON!

Nursing School Update

Hey there fans!  I finally have an update about my nursing program! I've taken lots of time to think it over.  I compared both the RN and the LPN programs.  So, I've visited several schools, called many others.  Today I went to an Info Session on the RN program at a school I am highly interested in. So with that said, I have a few steps to go through, and the first is applying to that school.  Once accepted, the real fun begins!  Here's my list as of now: Submit Application Placement Test Fafsa Teas (nursing placement test) Submit any transcripts College Experience Course Immunizations CPR certification Interview with Dean Enrollment Agreement Background Checks Meet with the financial aid appointment Nursing Orientation Schedule Start Classes So with this said, I've done a lot of homework and getting things in order.  I've spoken nothing but good positive things about wanting to do this for a long time now, and yet, I still have o...


so sorry for dropping off.  i'll get to the recipes.  i ended up going to the hospital so much this week to stay with a friend that i just wasn't able to cook any of the recipes i had picked out.  i'll get them posted in the coming weeks though.  i found out that i only have a few things to do to get into nursing school this september.  praying everything falls into place!  can't wait!  will keep you posted as to what happens there!