bling bling BAM!

ABck almost 11 years ago, we got married. My mother in law had given an engagement ring to my husband to give me. She had won it in a raffle when my Sister in law was getting married to my brother in law. Fast forward a few years, we are living in Port Richey, and I go to my jewelery box to get my rings as I did every morning that I wasn't working at the nursing homes, and found that not only was my engagement band gone, but so was my heart ring that Mackenzie and Ryan had gotten me when she was almost a year old, my wedding band, and my new cross necklace that I had gotten for christmas. I hadn't gotten the chance to wear it because I was looking for a longer chain for it. Stolen. It broke my heart. So much so that I hadn't even thought about replacing it. I had looked with Ryan, but we just couldn't replace it knowing that the other set had meant so much. Well, now about 2.5 to 3 years later I found this: and my hubby said to...