
Showing posts from January, 2014

Lots of fun!!!

As you can see, we are planning!  This is simply the wording my friend Juanita wants for her vow renewal ceremony!  Here ya go chickie!  Pin away!!!

How about some recent pics of our beauties???

 Since it's been a while since I've shared pics of our girls, I thought I would give you some of their cheering shots from this past fall!  They were cheering for the South Pasco Steelers.  They had tons of fun as you can see, but being that we live a little far for all of the traveling with this league, among other things, we will not be returning to the Steelers.  Maddie has decided she wants to take some Gymnastics, and Kenzie wants to try soccer!  Again, they loved it, and did an amazing job with their first sport, YES, CHEERLEADING IS A SPORT!, they just want to see if there's something out there they will like more. In the above shot, this was taken at Kenzie's first game!  She was having a blast with Morgan, Annabelle, and Jalissa!  In this shot, which i love, her coach had seen this done and wanted to try it with Kenzie's squad.  While you can't tell who's legs are who's I can tell you that kenzie's legs are at the bottom of the hea...


While I was going to be changing this blog over to wordpress, I decided there's no sense in doing that, so we just updated the url and I'm changing things as I have a few minutes here and there.  So, for our first post of the week here we go : Monday-- Report card day!  We had our report card day and I'm happy to report that both of the girls grades are coming up!  This is a huge thing because I don't settle for second best with the girls and school. At the previous school, Kenzie was being bullied by her "best" friend, when we moved there was a falling out and we are no longer in communication with that family after the loss of material possessions and lots of  emotions, it is best.  So back to the report cards, their grades are on the rebound and I can't wait to see how well they improve between now and the next report card! Tuesday-- Lots of working on the dollhouse-- details to come on that one! Wednesday-- the same Thursday-- the same Friday...


As we enter the next chapter of our lives, I will be posting here once more to give you the new blog address.  I'm going to be going through and saving all of the posts we have here to my computer to keep on hand, but we are going to be starting a new blog to document from this point in our lives on.  I think it's time for new ness, and I can't wait for this chapter to begin. With the beginning of this chapter we have an 11 year old, and almost 8 year old.  Preteen and full blown diva!  a full time work at home mom.  a full time work wherever they will send me dad.  uncle scott, aunt juanita and teddy have rejoined our family.  and there are all kinds of fun things going on!  i can't wait to be able to blog about them in the new blog! If you wish to keep up with us, you will want to go to our new blog address.  No, I don't know what it will be as of yet, but I will be sure to post it here once I get to it!!!  Thanks for being loyal f...