
Showing posts from June, 2014

Wow, how time does fly

While I have been missing in action, I haven't been sitting idly by.  So much is happening in our lives, that it's CRAZY! Firstly, we moved.  We found a much better home for us.  This is a temporary thing.  It was to get us into a better position for the girls and keep them in the school they were already in.  While it's not permenant, it will work for now. Kenzie is now in 5th grade!  woah!  Crazy I know!  She's going to Summer Science Camp this week.  She got to go to Starkey Environmental Center and go on a hike with her friends from school today.  She decided to sit tomorrow out of the week due to the fact that she has been to the Energy Marine Center 2 times in the last year already.  And on Wednesday she will go to SafetyTown's Environmental Center followed by the Florida Aquarium on Thursday!  Such a busy kiddo! Maddie is going into 2nd grade already and I can't believe how the time has flown right by.  She cr...