I wasn't planning on making another post so soon. God has other things in his plan. When he speaks, I listen. So here's what happened: I finished the last post, got my homework done, pureed pumpkin to take to a friend tomorrow, got the kids showered and in bed. I laid in there watching The Bible on netflix via my tablet. I just couldn't quite get relaxed into it tonight. So with sleeping children in the house, I went in for a relaxing hot bath. Normally this will calm me right? Well, as I lay there in the hot water, conditioner in my hair, I heard these words, "YOU are more PRECIOUS than RUBIES" and I knew that the Lord was telling me the truth for my next lie! Lie #2: I am an unlovable, worthless person. TRUTH: Proverbs 3: 15-- She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 31:10-- An excellent wife who can find? She is FAR more precious than jewels....