
Showing posts from November, 2021

Reach Day

 Everyday, we are faced with decisions. We must decide to get up each morning. We must decide what we will eat and what we will wear. In all of our mundane daily decisions, we often times enter a mindset of what do I need, where will I go, what do I want to do, etc. How often do we intentionally decide to do something to help someone else? If we take stock, I think we would each be surprised by our decisions on a regular basis. So if we were to think about it, would it surprise you that helping someone can be super simple:  buy someone a coffee let someone else go in front of you at the grocery store make dinner for a lonely neighbor offer to sit with a grieving person While those are just a few ways you can help other people, it's meant to just get you thinking. You can help in big or small ways. Many people feel like helping is their mission in life. As you might imagine, we automatically morph to missions as being abroad. Did you know, though, that missions starts at home. ...

The posture of Thanksgiving

Have we ever really thought about what it means to give thanks? Why do we do it? How do we do it? When should we do it? If you're like me, I think about giving thanks after something has been given or on one day a year when we sit around the table and say one thing we are thankful for. However, that's not what we are called to do. We are called to give thanks to the Lord while we are IN it. I am on day 5 of a bible study with the Sisterhood group and it's focus is 21 days of giving thanks. Today I'm chosing to write about day 3. Day 3 talks about the posture we should have when we are giving thanks to the Lord. As you listen to this song, think through what you have that you can be thankful for. Not as a response, but as in this moment something the Lord is doing in your life that you can thank Him for through it.   Now, we are going to do an activity that I've recently learned. While at Sisterhood this week, I was taught how to SOAP the bible. Now, for those of you...