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Showing posts from October, 2008

Daddy again again!

So, Ryan and Roy took the girls trick or treating. They came back after Kenzie had gotten the stuff scared right out of her. She had 1/2 a bucket of candy. She said, "Mommy, I don't want to go back out. I am DONE!" So they told me that a person had scared her! Maddie said, "Back" so Ryan took her out again. They came back donning an overflowing bucket and a bag someone had given her full of candy with two toys, and two stuffed animals. Someone had felt sorry that Kenzie got scared and sent stuff for her too. Maddie declares, "Back" so out they went again! This kid loves trick or treating! I will be leaving to go to work soon, but sometime this week, I will get the pictures from Roy and Carol's camera e mailed to me and then I will upload them. One note: Kenzie didn't want to wear the wig after all! But she did weare a hannah montanna hat that I loved! I got one of maddie wearing a doo wrag and harley visor! Too cute! Love, The C...

Spooktackular Skeleton

This was the cake I made for Carol to take to work with her!

why we aren't voting

megan and chris inspired me to do this post with their one about why they are voting for mc cain. we aren't voting for a few reasons. *we didn't make it to the license branch to change our license and register to vote in time. it was within days! *i for one can't make up my mind about who i would vote for. i have liked parts of each campaign, but there isn't one that i totally love and not one that i totally hate. *with the history of politics, we feel that even if we voted, our vote doesn't really count because when the politician gets into office, he/she doesn't follow through on promises they made. * we voted for george bush 4 and 8 years ago and now we feel guilty for killing all of the men and women who have fought their last fight in iraq. we feel that had we changed our vote, that we wouldn't be part of the blame that some of those deaths occured. we know that our one vote isn't going to be the one that makes or breaks the election, but we do...

Report Card Day!!!

Today was Report Card Day! Here are the results! She needs assistance in: Writing (we are working on it.) Displaying self confidence Managing personal needs (I have been worried about this) listening attentively (again we struggle with this at home too) showing effort (this is evident at home too) working well independently (she tends to want to depend on us to do all of her work here at home too) completes work in a reasonable amount of time all in all she did well. she got successful in these areas: READING (who knew! I was shocked with this one) math science/health social studies art music physical ed shares teacher's attention practices self control accepts responsibility for his/her own behavior follows class and school rules respects the feelings and views of others respects school personnel respects class/school property follows directions works cooperatively shows organization fine muscle control large muscle control handwriting legibility The note: mackenzie was provide...

what to do

so I woke up at 1 am and couldn't sleep. what do i do with my time? well, i start by doing some laundry... then organizing the girls' bedroom since they fell asleep in my room last night and we still haven't found the perfect bunk bed for them yet. then as i continue doing that i go back to check the laundry. lay out kenzie's clothes for school since i forgot to do it last night. move some furniture... on to check laundry again... (getting the trend are ya?) and then i collapse to try and make out a christmas to do list. (ryan has been asking for a list of what i want... he will regret it! LOL!) so I got this idea about wanting to be able to take music every where for my own enjoyment (hint.) and then i was helping carol make chili the other day and she had this really cool thing that i had saw on tv not to long ago it was the vidalia chopper and i loved it (another hint). I am needing some replacements to some of my fiesta. they have ended their lives in an ...

even after the fit

KENZIE GOT A CHECK PLUS ON HER HOMEWORK for yesterday! She came home with a packet of homework for tonight and she needs to work on her words for the week a little more. Technically we can't call it spelling, but that is what she is doing now and she has 6 words a week. This week the words are: a, I, the, see, we, can So, that is how last night ended up. I am about to start baking for the cakes for the week. See, if I bake them tonight, they will have time to settle and then ice them tomorrow while I am off, then deliver on thursday to Carol and then Friday I can take the other one to work with me. Maddie has been a good kiddo today even though she stayed up past midnight last night. Kenzie just got home from school and is playing a letter recognition game on the little computer she got from Carol for her birthday 2 years ago. It has only learning games that have to do with letters and numbers. The girls fight over it all the time. Ryan is hanging out. And that is that. da...

Mom, I have homework....

but I am going to yell and scream at you while hitting and throwing the biggest fit ever because i am not going to do it! That was what our afternoon eneded up starting like... Then : DADDY TO THE RESCUE. again he babies her. i give up on the whole situation. i am no longer going to try anything or be involved with the "family" family in any way shape or form. good bye

Relp! I've Been Tagged!

So, Megan tagged me! Thanks Meg. It was time for a nother tagging session! LOL! So when tagged, I am supposed to list the rules: -Link to the person who tagged you. -Post the rules on your blog. -Write Six Random Things about yourself. -Tag six-or-so other people at the bottom of the post. -Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged! -Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post. 1. I love POGO games! They are so much fun when I need a little break from Reality! 2. My daughter (Kenzie) is constantly reminding me to pray before eating! 3. We are still wearing summer clothes here! (I hear that in Indiana you have donned the jackets!) 4. Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. Just getting together with friends and family is the best feeling in the world. We also try to keep remembering the TRUE reason for the season! 5. I am thankful for my new best friend! Beth F. has done wonders for me in the last few weeks just by be...

cakes this week yay!

so this week, i will be embarking on the journey of making some halloween cakes. thanks to amanda for giving me the cake pans last winter, i have a skull pan. i am using it to make these spooky cakes. they will be laying on a bed of "dirt" (aka: chocolate cake crumbs) with skeletal remains creeping out of it (candy bones) the skulls themselves will have some discoloration from being in the ground and sitting for so long.. there will also bee bits of grass creeping out of the eyeball sockets and nose... the teeth will be discolored as well. if i can do it, i will make or find a bullet. this bullet will be in the center of the forehead so that it looks like the victim was shot at point blank range with the bullet getting lodged in the bone of the forehead. Now, I will be sure to post a pic of them. I think it will be really fun. No, I don't always go this spooky with my cakes, but I decided I would try it and see how it comes out! Hope all is well. I am tired. ...

A Visit

This past weekend, Derrick, Amanda, Riley, Shelby, and Maggie came to visit. It was tons of fun as usual. Kenzie ended up staying the weekend with Yaya and Pappy since Shelby and Riley were staying there too. They painted pumpkins, went to a pumpkin patch, painted each other (really funny I will have to put a few pics on here), went to Target, the part, etc. I don't even know what all they did really because I was working, but all in all they all had a wonderful time from what I gather. Today is our 6th anniversary, but the only person (including us) who remembered was Carol and Roy. She called to see if we all wanted to meet for a celebratory dinner and we were like "for what?" and then it clicked! Early onset dimentia if you ask me! So we ended up taking the girls to Yaya since Pappy wasn't home yet and we needed to have the kiddos home for bed time and it was getting late. Ryan and I went to Chili's and had a good dinner, then back to pick the kids up...

clue me in

sleep... i know that most of you get plenty of it at night... i don't, so clue me in on how to sleep during the day lol! I just can't seem to get it right. Yesterday I came home and went to bed thinking I could sleep til about 3. so that would be 5 hours of sleep. I would get up, spend time with the girls til 6, take a 3 hour nap then get ready and go to work. Well, I woke up at 1 thinking I was late for work and to top it off had a migrane. Ryan said, "take some motrin and off to bed with you" so he took the girls to the park so I could get some more rest. I did feel better when I woke up at 7, but how do I train myself to sleep during the day?

and my work week starts....

so, tonight is when my work week starts. it is nice for a change to say, "I have to work tonight". believe it or not, I like working. I love the reception position that they have given me here at work. I also spoke with my boss earlier tonight and she informed me that she has tons of data entry for me to do because in the nursing and rehab centers the clinical (nursing) part of the data goes in on one computer, but it all has to be converted into the billing programs for billing reasons, so I will be doing all of that not to mention that we finally got microsoft programs for the front desk computers, so I will also be converting all of the front desk documents to microsoft documents not this open office stuff that we have right now. this will make it easier for us to send e mails among the department heads. as it is our e mails when we attach something it turns into wingdings because the programs aren't compatible. so here pretty soon i have to be going to work. :...

now for the rest of the post

So, today... I was off of work. I hung out with Maddie. Ryan did the same. Kenzie went to school.. It was basically status quo for us. Not much to report other than I have to remember to call Amanda on Friday morning. And that is that... Oh, I did find that I have a back up costume for Maddie if I decide not to do the Harley baby thing with her. If she won't let us put the doo rag on her head, she has a bucs cheerleader outfit. She can be a cheerleader. who knows with that kiddo! anyway... that is about that... talk more when things are happening... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!

"I peje ayejence to de fag"

Kenzie came home so excited today! She said what my blog title is. And for those of you who don't speak "Kenzie Language" it is supposed to be "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America". I was so shocked because I wasn't aware that she knew the pledge! I guess they are working on it at school! More later. I jst didn't want to forget it!

Ok, so I have been a bad blogger...

Thursday: I worked 10pm to 8 am. Friday: I worked 10pm to 8 am. Saturday: I worked 4pm to 12 am. Sunday: I returned Roy's car to him. I love that car! Carol and I thought we would try to take Kenzie to a Craft Fair in Clearwater. That wasn't such a good idea. Five minutes after we got there we were on our way out. Kenzie wasn't listening. We get home and the boys have football on. Later, we had dinner... Carol's Porkchop in the Crock pot (at least that is what I call it) Sear pork chops. Put them in the crock. fill it with chicken and rice soup. let them cook all day... serve with salad and mashed potatoes... we also had corn. the chops were falling apart. they were so good! Monday: I was off! Second day! Yay! I made this tex mex type rice in the crock pot that Amanda told me about and EVERYONE loved it! Take boneless chicken breast add: rice, salsa and shredded cheese - mexican night - put it on tortilla or plain this all goes in the crock pot...

"I am beauty and Pappy's the BEAST"

Frome the title of my blog you would think that my child is silly. No she just watched Beauty and the Beast with Yaya last weekend. She has now transformed into Belle. Here is the scoop: We had so much running around to do today that we were running late, so asked Roy if he would pick Kenzie up from school and then meet us to drop her off. He did. By the time we got done, we called him and he said they had just gotten to our house and would wait for us. We pulled up to see them in the driveway dancing together! So darn cute. Too bad my camera was locked in the house. He said "You are the first of the girls I have danced with" so she said, "Pappy will you dance with me at my wedding?" It was so cute! Then she announced "I am beauty and Pappy is The Beast!" and so they went back to dancing. Just a memory I wish we had on camera for her to show her children when she has them. Or a good thing for scrapbooks. So, we get in the house, and start ...


Way to go Rays! As most everyone knows the Rays won tonights game against the Chicago White Sox!

Yeah Baby! We have Pics!

Hi Mommy! I love this hat! Thank goodness Yaya had the extra witch hat for me and Sissy to share. Here Sissy, Let me help you! Goofy is the only word I can use to describe this child! Fun in the pool with my sissy! Beautiful Blue Eyes. We had a really good time today at Roy and Carol's house. Although they had to leave to go on the Harley for a while, we were able to get a few things done for them and get some snapshots of the kids too. Ryan and I were able to get the fall decor down from the attic for them (I liked the idea of us doing this rather than Roy because of his recent eye surgery and I wouldn't want anything to get in the incisions). Ryan worked on the pressure washing of the back porch a little. Kenzie watched Beauty and the Beast several times. Maddie was just a goofball and then we took the to the back yard and put some water in their little pool and let them go at it for a while. After that, it was time for the Rays and Bucs games. They both lost. :( B...


so, my boss, Heather, just called. She wants me to be at work tomorrow at 10am. So, I will be working until they are finished in the building tomorrow. And let me tell you all the running I did yesterday, my legs are sore! I got a flu shot and hep b shot the day before, well the girl made my left arm bleed pretty pad and now the bruise I have is just awful. So anyway, I worked from 9-4 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and now I will be there until the boss says to go home tomorrow. Then I have 35 hours to look forward to this week. So, needless to say, my check should look pretty good! Yeah Baby! Kenzie and Maddie went swimming in a little pool at yaya's house today and loved it. They are wanting to go back and repeat the process tomorrow. so there is the update as of now...

I know, I am a bad blogger...

I understand that I have failed to blog all week. Sorry! I have been busy. I worked. I am also going to be working a full time schedule at night starting this week, so it will be interesting to see how much blogging I get to do. We are all doing well. Kenzie and Maddie stayed the night with Roy and Carol last night. Ryan and I hung out. Umm I talked with the speech therapist this week. She is working on the /k,g/ sounds. She is also working on increasing the length of Kenzie's utterance. Meaning we need to get her to say more words with each sentence. She is already seeing improvements. I can't think of anything else major right now... caution: this post may be edited i don't know yet