
Showing posts from August, 2010

Great Give Away!!!

So, how are you this morning? Do you want me to make your day? Well, here goes my attempt... Star Rork is having a give away!!! Go check it out! Its a beautiful scrapbooking kit! I know I fell in love with it. The instructions are this: Follow the above link to Star's Blog. Read the post about the give away. Follow her blog. Comment that you followed it. Then post about the give away on your blog. See how easy that is. And the drawing is Sunday!!! Get in while you have a chance to! Good luck. Happy Blogging. Awesome Scrapping! Have a great day! I'm off to Church !!!

Thank you Scrap That Baby!!!!

Last week, I entered a blog hop. You go around leaving comments and becomming followers of blogs for the entry. Well, there were tons of prizes. I was able to win one! It's a Making Memories Calander! So thank you for making this happen for me! It was really nice to win something and not just enter and never hear anything back. I had tons of fun with it! Now for the regular stuff: The girls have been really good letting ryan sleep this weekend given he has been working night shift to help his employer out. I got up andtook them to church today and they loved it! It was a fabulous service. If you would like to see some of our video's, go to CCWC and click on the video links, otherwise, you can tune in live on Thursdays and Sundays. Kenzie wants to go to the lock in on friday... we shall see how she feels at the end of the week....

Scrap Fit-- Workout #26

Ok, so I crashed! yeppers! I decided to join a challenge blog! Twice a month, I will be posting scrapbook pages that I have done for a challenge. This time it was this challenge. It was quite fun. I had wanted to do another Halloween page for some time and had enough left over pictures to do this with. As you can see, the orange paper is all glitter paper!!! We had to use black, therefore the trim and the black cat along with some black stickles. I also have more sparkle in the way of green stickles on the shutters that are falling off of the house. As well as the purple stars have been stickled with purple stickles. This house has a rope coming from the window because Cecilia being a witch decided to sneak out to go Trick or Treat! I loved doing this because it was a challenge, but all in all, it was really fun and I will be doing this more often!

Port Richey Jr. Police Officer for the day

Yesterday, we went to Wally World for some "window shopping" for about an hour. I needed to get out of the house and needed to price a few things anyway, so as soon as we get there what does Maddie see? A Port Richey PD car sitting right out front. "MOMMY, A COP IS AT WALMART!!!!" she scrams so the whole world can hear her. So, I acknowledge that there indeed is a police officer in the Walmart and continue on putting her in a cart and going about my business. As we are heading through the store, the two officers come around the corner and Maddie points to them getting really shy. I said, "Yes, Honey those are the officers who's car is out front." and they stop to talk to her. One of them gave her a badge and told her she was his "special police officer for the day" It was so cute! Of course, I did not take my camera! We were only going to walmart afterall! I didn't expect being able to get a pic of her being the officer for ...

Bubble Time!!!

So, yesterday I did a really cute lo and I couldn't wait to share it here with all of you! Here it is and the story can be found under it! Bubble Time got its name because Maddie had been out playing it was time for a bath and I said, lets go get you a bath. I go to her room to get her Jammies and head to the bathroom and this is what I found! So I ran for the camera and snuck back in the bathroom to shoot the pics. She had put the plug in and started her bath water. She just forgot to take her clothes off! So adorable! I used all scraps for the strips of paper and the mats. I used Gold stickles for the designs around the photos and for the "all smiles" I then used some bling that I got in a kit that was on clearance from walmart some time back. The letters were punch outs that came in another kit. These kits were a collaboration of several different designers, and I do not recall who the designers were. As for yesterday, we had a sleepover with Kenzie, Maddie,...

Scrapbooking Rocks

So, my friend from high school Maria Tibbs gave me a little idea a while back when she blogged about Brian and Brooklyn laying under the tree looking up at the pretty lights. Maddie did it last year and I scrapped it!!! Thank you Maria!

A quiet week so far

So, Kenzie started school Monday. No, I didn't take first day pictures. I know, bad mom! But really, do you want to see traffic running by her on a major road for her first day pics? I am choosing to wait until the weekend, take her to a park or beach and do some cuter pics of her there for her second grade pictures. Maddie has been so happy to not fight with Kenzie this week. She does miss her sister, but it is so quiet and we are enjoying that. I did get to do a couple of scrap layouts this week. I am waiting it out on uploading them here though. I think I want to start uploading a month worth of lo's at a time or something like that. More to come on that later. The funny story for today. I mop the kitchen. Sweeping the hallway so I can mop that as well and somehow maddie falls into the mopbucket. Pinesol and Water went everwhere. so while ryan cleaned that up, I gave maddie a bath to get the chemicals off of her! She was upset because she thought she was in tr...

Getting Ready for School

So, it has been a busy week! I have managed to get a lot done though. On Monday, we just kind of took a lazy day. Tuesday, we started a few projects. Wednesday, we went and had our orientation and learned where Kenzie's new class is. This orientation was quite interesting. It was totally disorganized compared to last year. It was like the new principal had no clue how to run an orientation. I sure hope and pray that this is not an indication of how the school year will go. First, they announce that if you already know who your teacher is you can by pass the 20 or so teacher's who were bouncing off of the walls to tell you who your teacher is. We bypassed because we knew who kenzie's teacher was, but they didn't tell anyone where to bypass to, so everyone ended up going straight into the unregistered children line. After quite a long wait we were then told, if we were registered to go on to the bus/car rider lines and get our bus passes or car tags. after thi...

"You look pletty"

So I came downstairs after showering and getting dressed to leave yesterday and Kenzie gasped, "You look pletty!" Ryan and I burst out laughing! She is so funny most of the time. I just had to share with you! We went and spent some time with Pappy yesterday. Nothing major. And I decided on what I am doing for some of our family for Christmas. You will have to wait to find out though. Because I can't drop a line here and have them find out. LOL. And that's the update for the am.

A Summer Of Pictures

This is my current favorite picture of Maddie! We did do our fair share of goofing off this summer and I happened to catch Maddie on camera! She had these glasses left over from a birthday party loot bag. Simply popped out the lenses and she became the cutest little Nerd I have ever seen! After a long day in the sun, the girls were tuckerd out! If you don't believe me just look at Mackenzie. LOL! She fell asleep before her head hit the pillow I do believe! Go ahead, call me a mean mom. Yes, I held them both under the bucket until it dumped! It was so much fun! But I do have a partner in crime. My friend Debbie was the one behind my camera here! Mommy, this is so much fun, I can't stand still! I am speechless. Perhaps she was taken by surprise by the water spraying from all directions! Just Beautiful! That's all I can say to sum up my daughters! Taking time for a walk and a picture by the sea oats. Maddie had so much fun at the beach that day. She kept trying ...

A Summer Recap

I just wanted to take a few minutes to recap our summer. I will post the pics that I have chosen for the summer recap in "A Summer of Pictures" after this post. We as you know spent the summer without a vehicle, none the less, it was a fun summer. School starts in a week and a half, so here goes: We spent many days this summer at various beaches. We went to Fred Howard Park Beach, Sunset Beach, and Green Key Beach for the most part. You are wondering how we managed this aren't you? Well in between Roy and Carol allowing us to use their car, we were invited to ride along on many of the occasions with our friends. The girls loved it! And Kenzie has managed to almost perfectly figure out how to doggy paddle in the water! She is doing so good for not having any swimming lessons. We spend most of our hot summer nights in front of the wii. We have come to love this system. We have many games we love, but Mario Kart Wii is Kenzie's favorite right now. She only ...