Getting Ready for School
So, it has been a busy week! I have managed to get a lot done though. On Monday, we just kind of took a lazy day. Tuesday, we started a few projects. Wednesday, we went and had our orientation and learned where Kenzie's new class is. This orientation was quite interesting. It was totally disorganized compared to last year. It was like the new principal had no clue how to run an orientation. I sure hope and pray that this is not an indication of how the school year will go. First, they announce that if you already know who your teacher is you can by pass the 20 or so teacher's who were bouncing off of the walls to tell you who your teacher is. We bypassed because we knew who kenzie's teacher was, but they didn't tell anyone where to bypass to, so everyone ended up going straight into the unregistered children line. After quite a long wait we were then told, if we were registered to go on to the bus/car rider lines and get our bus passes or car tags. after this we were left to find our room with no instruction. I knew based on the iep that we were in the new building out near the butterfly garden. This wasn't too bad to find and it is an aswesome room. Kenzie managed to break the thong off of her light up flip flops while checking out her new classroom. We then went over to see the art teacher! She had gotten stepped on last week and broke her foot! Yep, her horse stepped right on her! So, Ryan and I moved furniture around for her since apparently the school couldn't help her out with this task! After we left, I found out that once again I am approved for volunteering. I am going to Volunteer at 2 schools this year. I am going to do some time at Kenzie's school and some time at the school we are zoned for. Next year Maddie will have to go to Calusa and Kenzie at Cypress unless they mainstream her by then. We shall see about that. I do hear that the new principle is great at Calusa. I only pray that the principal has changed since moving from Calusa to Cypress. I wasn't impressed by her 2 years ago and so far, my feelings haven't changed. Thursday, I babysat Isabel for my bestie. She is going through some stuff, but that's ok. Friday, I babysat Cecilia and Isabel for her again because she needed to take Grandma Andrews to the hospital. It turns out that had she not made it to the er when she did, she may be dead now. Her blood sugar was way low. As was her bp and they found bacteria in her blood. Shew! So, between me and Grandma Andrews, we have talked her into moving with her girls back in with Grandma. I love that testy old woman as if she were my own grandma, and I can't believe she was so sick! I called every now and then to check on her and she started to not know who I was. It really made me sad for her. Anyway, we had company friday night and saturday. And now it's sunday and we are gearing up for school to start. I did get 4 new scrapbook layouts done. That was fun. and my scrap desk is sort of set up. well that's all the time i have for now... time to find lunch for the girls and ryan.
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