And WINTER is here!

I look out the window to see.... A BLANKET OF SNOW! It is covering my driveway, walkway, yard.... and we are expecting more this week! I think it is safe to say that winter has finally decided to come! Don't get me wrong, snow is pretty, but I don't like it because that means I have to drive in dangerous conditions! I would much rather be driving in tropical storm force winds and rain (I have done this! When all the hurricanes were going through Florida a couple of years ago!). Now on to other things...

I had a really busy day. I was at work and didn't think it would ever end. Admissions and falls and sending people to the hospital... stabalizing others and stuff that goes on in the health care centers all the time.

Sunday: Zach forgot to add me back into the schedule, so I got off at 2pm. Rode home with Maxx since he lives in Jeffersonville and Ryan and the girls were going to be at his house anyway. When we got there we watched a little of the game and I brought the girls on home. Ryan came home a little later. Maxx is such a great guy! He took me to and from work and brought Ryan home too! How nice is that. I met his daughter while I was there... Had met his son Derrick, but never his daughter (can't remember her name). His wife Cathie is a really nice lady too! She and I are trying to figure out what she wants me to do for super bowl even though I won't be there this year.

Today: Kenzie reluctantly got up and went to school. Maddie woke up with a stinky diaper but was laughing.... What is that about? Ryan went to work for his last day in Therapy. Tomorrow he starts Lifeskills. He can't wait! I just got off of the phone with my mom. We talked for 1hr. Something we haven't done in a long time. She is going to deliver the vanity and let me borrow the eliptical for a while. I want to get into shape and I dont' have any exercise equipment so I really appreciate the fact that she is willing to let me borrow hers. Other than that nothing much going on here on the homefront!

KEEP CAROL IN YOUR PRAYERS! My mother in law went in to have 2 surgeries this morning. They were both expected, but I still want you guys to pray for a speedy painfree recovery for her.



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