the cox family is sick!

Ryan's symptoms are-- stuffed nose, cough, sore throat

I have a head cold.

Maddie is coughing and has a runny nose

Kenzie has a runny nose, cough, and complaining of ear pain.

So, needless to say, we are sick and won't be going anywhere we don't have to until we are better. We miss all of our CICers. We will be back just as soon as we get over this yucky stuff. Don't want to get any of you sick.

On to other things, yesterday I played with the oven until I could get it to work. I think Pop might be right about needing to get the pilot light thing serviced, but the question is, who do I call? I know the ghost buster's can't fix it, so any suggestions? After playing with it, I was able to bake a cake for Kenzie's birthday and she has been wanting me to use the pan Amanda gave me that has these disks you put in and it imprints the design on the top of the cake, so she has a cake that says in bubble letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" it is cute. I also baked some fries in the oven. I really missed not having one. It was not a fun time. Kenzie is off to school, so I am going to warm up. It is really cold in the basement! Have a great day!



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