Donation Central

Today I got up and decided I would go through all of our stuff and trash what we don't need and anything that is in good enough shape, we would donate to a worthy cause. I have so far gotten Ryan and My bedroom done. I am off to Maddie's room next then Kenzie's. I am in the mood to get things done so watch out! I have gotten rid of a bunch of stuff already. I am getting rid of the baby stuff since we are so done with kids. I told Ryan "THIS BABY MAKING FACTORY IS CLOSED"! I said it as a joke because he was saying that we needed a little boy, but man am I serious! Kenzie has had a pretty good day. She is being a great assistant to me and is even being willing to part with some of her stuff. Maddie on the other hand wants to play with everything we are trying to get rid of.

RYAN TOOK THE JOB! He told Steve at work that he was going to take the position. He starts in Lifeskills on Tuesday. He can't wait. It will be fun to have him only working 3 days a week.
talk more later


  1. That's funny. I get in those moods some times when every thing not nailed down has to go! I feel so much better and my house is so much cleaner. Out with clutter in with space!!!

    Congrats on the new job Ryan!!!


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