Hide and go SLEEP?

Yesterday, I converted Maddie's bed to a toddler bed because she had been sleeping with me at Amanda's house and when we came home and put her in her crib she wasn't sleeping as well, so last night I gave her her cup of water and put her to bed in her "big girl" bed. She laid right down and went to bed or so I thought. I didn't hear anything! When I went in her room this morning, I couldn't find her! Not in the bed. Not in the closet. Not under her covers. I started freaking a bit. I called her name and she started whining. I found her under the bed! It has a bedskirt on it so I couldn't see her when I was right around her bed! How funny is she. Kenzie and I played Disney DVD Bingo yesterday and she loves it. We also played all of her v smile games and those are all a hit as well. I did get a lot done yesterday, but there is still a lot to be done. I am gonna be going and then I will upload pictures later!


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