Snow Day....
Today, we got up and got Kenzie dressed for school not even thinking to check the news to see if school had been cancelled until I looked outside and discovered our streets were covered in snow. I then turned on WHAS 11 and discovered that school was cancelled due to the fact that the neighborhood streets weren't safe for busses to drive on to get the children. By this time, Maddie and Kenzie were both ready to stay up for the day! I wish I would have gotten up at 5 when Ryan did to have discovered this and I wouldn't have woken Kenzie up at all. So we hung out for the day and did some home work. That was about the extent of our snow day. We did get to see the snow plow clear the road today and let me tell you Kenzie was so excited about that. Maddie was just her chipper little self. And that is all I can come up with in this over worked brain of mine. LOL.
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