I love Kenzie!
Kenzie is such a sweet little girl. She can get into her own fair share of troubles though. She is too funny! Loves to sing! Loves to dance and can't wait for her birthday. I am trying to debate what to do about her birthday because we tried having her a birthday party last year and NONE of her friends from school bothered to show up and none of her friends parents bothered to call and say they weren't comming. So Ryan's take on it is why do a party if no one is going to show up and mine is Kenzie asked for a party. We offered to take her to the movies and a special dinner with Kenzie only and she chose party. So, I am still trying to fight it. I need to figure it out because her birthday is in less than a month. So anyway Kenzie has been doing some really cute things. She gets out the blow up microphone and sings the songs from High School Musical. She helps her sister in every way possible. She plays with Maddie like I never thought she would. She helps clean up her messes. She sets the table for our meals. And when we sit down to eat she says, "No eating til we say our prayers Daddy!" it is so cute. She just started doing this since we came back from Florida. She saw Grammy have everyone hold hands and say a prayer before Christmas Dinner, so now she has made it a routine. So I taught her the prayer we used to say before our meals and here it is...
"God is good.
God is great and we thank HIM for our food,
By HIS hands we are fed and we thank HIM for our daily bread.
She loves that she can do this and I love that she is learning to love GOD at the same time. Her teacher sent me an email with an idea for Kenzie. Since she loves school so much, her teacher is suggesting that I set up "school" at home on Friday's and go through the routine that they do at school. I am awaiting the e mail of the sechedule that they go through so we can start that. I really thing she will love it.
No on to other things:
Maddie: is a little fuss bucket today. Don't know why, but she is crying over everything. She wants to be held all day now and Mommy don't play that! I really think she is ready to start potty training.. yesterday she took her diaper off after she had wet it again and put the wet diaper on the steps. How funny! So the search is on!
Ryan: had the interview for the behavior tech position at work and he was the only one who put an application in for the job. He will get his differential back for 4 of the 12 hours that he is at work. That will really help because that is 12 hours a week that he will be paid an additional 2 dollars an hour. Nice! He has to be trained on how to take someone down because he will be on the behavior unit, but I think he can do it. I have worked on that unit from time to time and it isn't that bad.
Me: not much new going on here. just paying bills and getting through one day at a time.
And so you have updates!
"God is good.
God is great and we thank HIM for our food,
By HIS hands we are fed and we thank HIM for our daily bread.
She loves that she can do this and I love that she is learning to love GOD at the same time. Her teacher sent me an email with an idea for Kenzie. Since she loves school so much, her teacher is suggesting that I set up "school" at home on Friday's and go through the routine that they do at school. I am awaiting the e mail of the sechedule that they go through so we can start that. I really thing she will love it.
No on to other things:
Maddie: is a little fuss bucket today. Don't know why, but she is crying over everything. She wants to be held all day now and Mommy don't play that! I really think she is ready to start potty training.. yesterday she took her diaper off after she had wet it again and put the wet diaper on the steps. How funny! So the search is on!
Ryan: had the interview for the behavior tech position at work and he was the only one who put an application in for the job. He will get his differential back for 4 of the 12 hours that he is at work. That will really help because that is 12 hours a week that he will be paid an additional 2 dollars an hour. Nice! He has to be trained on how to take someone down because he will be on the behavior unit, but I think he can do it. I have worked on that unit from time to time and it isn't that bad.
Me: not much new going on here. just paying bills and getting through one day at a time.
And so you have updates!
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