Instead of WifeSwap we did a Room Swap!

Late last night, Ryan and I decided to swap rooms! We moved Maddie to Kenzie's room. Kenzie and I slept on the couch and today I...
*moved Kenzie's bed to Maddie's old room.
*Put the tv, dvdplayer, vcr, xbox and v smile in Kenzie's new room.
Then I moved all of the clothes and now we are taking a break. When the break is over we will proceed to move the small computer desk into Kenzie's room with her computer (if it will fit). We are leaving the dresser in for kenzie and giving the armiore to maddie. We will also be moving toys from toy room to the two bedrooms. I want them split up and then we can do whatever we want to with the downstairs because it will then be a blank slate. I love that idea. And I ran out and started ryan's car so it wouldn't loose the battery. I was able to start it but it didn't want to. I knwo it is because of the cold weather, so we will be getting it fixed soon so that he can drive that to work and I will have my car back! Other than that nothing else going on as if I could handle any more physically today!


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