Vacation Pictures

Here is the first of our vacation picutres. These came from Amanda's website. I haven't uploaded anything from my camera yet. So be looking for those later.
Riley and Shelby getting their Christmas Eve gift.
Riley, Shelby, Kenzie and Maddie after Christmas Eve Service.
Riley getting the BIG gift on Christmas Morning.
Roy, Carol, Ryan, Grandma, and Derrick after Christmas Eve Service.
Here Kitty Kitty. Love you Sammie! You are such a crazy cat!
Daddy, Kenzie and Grammy posing for a pic!
Maddie loving the switchboard Riley got for Christmas.
Let's go. I am soooo ready!
Riley showing us how to bowl!
Riley and Maddie with their headbands on!

Kenzie and Shelby. This was the same bathroom a few days before they flooded it!
I love my Uncle Derrick!
Kenzie, Shelby, Maddie, Riley on Christmas Eve.
Riley, Amanda, Shelby, Derrick, Grandma, Ryan, Me, and Maddie. Kenzie wouldn't take a pick with us!

I so totally love my daddy!

Aunt Amanda Kisses are so YUMMY!
"I'm gonna Get you!"
Cuddles with Aunt Amanda.
Best Friends sleeping at last!
Pretty Blue Eyes!
Hope you all enjoyed them. More to come!
Dawn and all the family


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