And a sick little girl lives with me!

Over the weekend, Kenzie and Maddie both started having a runny nose and cough. Kenzie was feeling so bad last night that she went to bed at 8! I kept her home from school today not wanting to get any of her classmates or teachers sick, and she didn't wake up until 8am! Wow! She slept for 12 hours! She was happy she got to stay home but still wasn't feeling well. I have noticed green goop comming from her nose, so we are keeping a close eye on her. Still she has no temp. I just wish there was something more I could do to make her comfy! Poor Baby.

Maddie on the other hand has the runny nose and cough, but it isn't slowing her down one bit! She keeps falling and yelling, "OWWW" that is her new word. and she is so appropriate when she uses it. Too cute. I don't know what the plans for this weeks are, but if I have sick children, I know one thing is for sure, if they are sick, no church for us. Will keep you posted on that since I have been batteling a head cold myself.



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