We went to church for the first time in a while because of our vacation and then Ryan's new job, and what do Megan and Chris sing? EVERYTHING. Kenzie was singing "Be my everything" over and over and over on the way home. It was so cute. Maddie went to the nursery and was doing great until the lady in there had to put her down to tie a shoe. Then she went ballistic! Ryan went to her rescue and allowed me to stay in and get the message. It was so totally awesome. What was even more awesome was that for some reason, I opened the Bible on Saturday on one of my breaks and read the exact same passage that Brian talked on tonight! WAY TO GO BRIAN! but even more: WAY TO GO GOD! I also did a few errands today. I of corse did the grocery shopping. We went to Jeffersonville, Clarksville, and Louisville to run a few more and then I picked up a surprise for Kenzie for having a good report card. I gave her a new webkinz. She loves it! So, now she is watching American Idol with Daddy while Maddie is asleep and I am trying to catch up with the day's happenings. Ryan has to work tomorrow so I will probably be driven to the edge by the time he gets home, but it is well worth it. Oh at church, Kenzie was asked if she wants to start going to Awana and she said yes. My friend Maria (Brian's wife) is the teacher, and I think it will be great for her! Ryan will start taking her on Sunday evenings for that. I guess that is about it. Just can't believe that Kenzie will be five in a few days. Followed by Brooklyn turning a year old. Then comes Isabella (May 2) and Maddie (May 15) will both be 2. Wow how the time flies! Just amazing! Well I guess that is all I can think of. Talk to you all when I have more intelectual things to type here.


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