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A Conversation with the Speech Therapist.

I have been having some troubles knowing what to do with Kenzie as far as her educaiton is concerned, so I got in contact with the Speech Therapist today and here is basically what came out of it:

*she is working a part time schedule but with a full time case load. Meaning she sees students from the time she gets to work until she goes home all days that she is at the school. It is very hard to do full time on a part time schedule. I understand this. I work a part time schedule but full time hours. I pull 60 hours a pay check which is full time hours, but I only work 2 days a week. So I can sympathise with her there.

*The last nine weeks progress notes are comming home tomorrow so we will have report cards and all in here tomorrow at some time. Yay!

*She is going to let me know if she changes the sounds that she is working on with Kenzie. She still is correcting Kenzie for the /k/ and /g/ sounds, but she is concentrating more on her language skills now and correcting her as needed for the sounds that she is having troubles with.

*Kenzie is getting better in the areas that she has been struggling in. We still have work to do, but I think that she will do just fine.

*These are the areas we are concentrating on for Kenzie now:
-time concepts
-spatial concepts (anything you can do to a pyramid)
-what doesn't belong in the group
-complex sentences
-category use
-proper use of plurals, possesives, and pronouns
-academic stuff

as we make progress in the above, I will be sure to let you know.

*Kenzie was referred to get 6 sessions of Speech Therapy a month, but because Heather didn't want any confusion in schedules, she is giving Kenzie 8 sessions a month so that the 4th week, she gets speech to cover if Kenzie is absent or if Heather can't make it. So in a nutshell, Kenzie gets more speech than she was referred for.

*Kenzie will be re evaluated by the end of the year so that we will know what kind of help she will get for next year. Heather said that speech therapy will definately carry over, but the developmental delay label will not. Depending on the evaluation, Kenzie may or may not have any further assistance after this year other than Speech Therapy. Heather is hoping that next year Kenzie still gets more assistance because she thinks that Kenzie could use the full day kindergarten to help her get on track, but if not, if the teacher feels that Kenzie needs more time in Kindergarten, she can be held back (and I totally support it).

*Heather said she was shocked when she sat in on circle time at Kenzie because she is so social and one wouldn't know the extent of her delays until they see her in a group setting, so she is concerned about that a little.

*Kenzie's attention span with speech is much better. At the beginning of the year, she wouldn't sit still and do therapy very well and now Kenzie sits for the half hour no problems and she is even telling the therapist when Heather says something wrong on purpose, Kenzie tells her all the time.

*Heather also said that there are areas on Kenzie's goal sheet that Kenzie has already met!

Now with that said,

I know that right now you struggle sometimes with your language and not understanding some of the things that are happening in school, but I want you to know how proud Mommy and Daddy are of you. You are a very smart and special little girl and we know that in no time you will be up to par with the rest of your friends. You love going to school and I wouldn't take you out of school for anything. I am so proud of you for already meeting some of your goals with your education. You are awesome! Keep up the great work!

Now Kenzie went to school, I had Maddie and Devon for a while and when Kenzie got home from school, Devon's Pappy got here to get him. The day has gone well since speaking to the speech therapist and now I am working on creating some games and activities to do with Kenzie so that we can help with the areas she needs help with. Oh and I almost forgot that the speech therapist is happy that Kenize has the v smile now and we play it for about thirty to sixty minutes a day and that is all educational time! Yay us!


P.S. in the beginning of the year, Heather did the hearing and frequency tests on Kenzie and she passed both of them. I thought you would want to know this Amanda since you and I had the conversation about the child that had the trouble with his ears.


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