"Mommy, I'm ready for a potty chair"
Today, Maddie stripped herself down. Off came the sweater first followed by the socks, pants and diaper. Then a few minutes later I see her squatting. She POOPED on my tile floor. I thank God it was the tile floor and not the carpet! I also take the hint. We will be getting her a potty very soon! I can't find Kenzie's Dora Potty seat, so I will get Maddie something. Mom is looking for deals since she is going to some sales while in Florida. If she doesn't find anything, I will go out myself and get one. Kenzie and I made Taco Salad for dinner since that is what she and Ryan wanted for dinner. Maddie is up in her room. Since she kept me up all night, I didn't let her have a nap so she would go right to bed and sleep all night. She went to bed at 8 and woke up at 9. I didn't go in. It is all quiet now so I am assuming that she is sleeping. Ryan had a good day at work. His boss gave him a scarf for christmas and he said he would give it to me since he doesn't use them! YAY ME! I took down the christmas tree and did a load of laundry and dishes today. We also got our mail for the first time since vacation. WOAH A LOT OF IT! I took a good hour to go through it all. We had several christmas cards come while we were away. Other than that nothing going on. Hope all is well! Talk more later!
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