
Showing posts from January, 2013

One crazy week!

Last week was just that.  ONE CRAZY WEEK!  It's been that kind of year so far! The week started out normal.  School was out on Monday, but other than that it was status quo.  Until Thursday that is.  I had made arrangements with our friend Kevin for him to come pick me up to go after the Camry.  It was about an hour away each way, so he was taking me on his day off.  On the way home, I had a blow out just before our exit.  He was about 1/2 mile behind me I guess.  But due to the laws here in Florida and my spare being flat, I had no choice but to tow the car.  It was a lesson learned that looking back was a good one. So since then I've been doing TONS of shopping around for the best tire prices and alignment prices too!  Who knew how expensive tires were getting these days!  I'm finding the average price PER tire to be around $100!  Crazyness!  I remember buying tires for the Contur and the prices were around $40 ...

Cox Family Crazyness

So far this year, we have had a bunch of crazyness followed by some forgetfullness on my part.  I do apologize for not updating you sooner, but I'm gonna try and hit the highlights for the month and then I think I am going to make a goal to get 1 post a week in here.  Keep you updated on our lives. Update for 2013 so far: January Happenings Week 1:  We had a great week 1.  We started the year off by going to our annual New Year's Party with our friends Scott and Juanita.  This year, it was lower key than last year and that's good!  Ryan had to leave on New Years Day, so we didn't make a big to do about it.  We took some games over and had a nice family game night with them and Scott's brother Patrick! It was nice!  Then New Years Day, the girls and I dropped Ryan off and he spent the week in either Georgia or South Carolina (I honestly can't remember which.  He's been so many places lately I get confused!).  And we had a low key fi...


This week, I am telling you, I've been having flashbacks to my childhood through my own daughter's eyes!!! Not only is she loving saturday morning cartoons on CW, but she's in LOVE with Wrestling!  She can't wait to see Saturday Morning Slam!  Loved Smackdown last night and is sitting on the edge of her seat while watching POWER RANGERS right now!  Love this!  Transformers is next!  She's such a cutie!  I am so happy that we are able to give them some clean fun that they can look forward to each day wether it's watching wrestling or crafting with mommy! Ryan is out of town again and while we don't like him being gone so long, it's what has to happen if we are to get a pay check.  I just can't wait until he gets through his goal for the new year!  Once he does that, we will totally be happy campers! So my goals for this weekend:  Cuddle time, tidy the house, cuddle time.  Get the kids ready to go back to school next week.  And la...