Cox Family Crazyness
So far this year, we have had a bunch of crazyness followed by some forgetfullness on my part. I do apologize for not updating you sooner, but I'm gonna try and hit the highlights for the month and then I think I am going to make a goal to get 1 post a week in here. Keep you updated on our lives.
Update for 2013 so far:
January Happenings
Week 1: We had a great week 1. We started the year off by going to our annual New Year's Party with our friends Scott and Juanita. This year, it was lower key than last year and that's good! Ryan had to leave on New Years Day, so we didn't make a big to do about it. We took some games over and had a nice family game night with them and Scott's brother Patrick! It was nice! Then New Years Day, the girls and I dropped Ryan off and he spent the week in either Georgia or South Carolina (I honestly can't remember which. He's been so many places lately I get confused!). And we had a low key final few days of the girls being out for winter break. They enjoyed the quiet time! And so did I!
Week 2: The girls had a time of getting back into the swing of going back to school, but did well and were rewarded with a fun craft night! We did some scrapbooking on the 12th with our friends Deb and Juanita while the guys went fishing! Followed that with the girls watching a movie in our room while the adults played Gesstures! Too funny!
Week 3: We got the report cards and were pleasantly surprised! Mackenzie improved her "C" in Science to an "A" so she is doing great! She's now got 2 A's and 3 C's. Slow and steady wins the race my friend!!! Maddie is also doing much better in school! We are so happy to see they are both improving so much! And we started planning Mackenzie's birthday party! It's hard to believe she's gonna be 10 already!!! Doesn't seem like she should be that old, but it's the price you pay for time going by so fast! We are doing it on the 17th of Feb. At the local park and she's chosen Monster High for the theme! This should be quite interesting!!!
Week 4: I've been doing tons of soul searching and so has Ryan lately. We both know we don't like him being gone, but we understand the need for him to be gone in order to provide for his family. So, I decided it was really time to go out into the work force. I applied at 9 different places today. I had a goal of 5 and ended up doing 9! We have been quite selfish in our attempts with work and have only been looking within 5 miles of our house. Quite selfish, yes I know. I have expanded my search to include Clearwater. I love that city! Even though I am not from there, Clearwater is what I consider home. It just fits for me! So, we are looking at jobs and possibly housing in Clearwater! We just need to do what's right for our family and I don't think that being where we are now is condusive of a great amount of success for us. We shall see where the Lord leads us.
And Finally Goals for this year:
* Lose 40 Pounds.
*Walk 3 times a week (or run)
* Enroll kids in before/after school care with their schools
*Register truck and get it on the road (new battery)
*Get a job and get Ryan home
*Evaluate, Pray about and decide what to do about our housing.
Update for 2013 so far:
January Happenings
Week 1: We had a great week 1. We started the year off by going to our annual New Year's Party with our friends Scott and Juanita. This year, it was lower key than last year and that's good! Ryan had to leave on New Years Day, so we didn't make a big to do about it. We took some games over and had a nice family game night with them and Scott's brother Patrick! It was nice! Then New Years Day, the girls and I dropped Ryan off and he spent the week in either Georgia or South Carolina (I honestly can't remember which. He's been so many places lately I get confused!). And we had a low key final few days of the girls being out for winter break. They enjoyed the quiet time! And so did I!
Week 2: The girls had a time of getting back into the swing of going back to school, but did well and were rewarded with a fun craft night! We did some scrapbooking on the 12th with our friends Deb and Juanita while the guys went fishing! Followed that with the girls watching a movie in our room while the adults played Gesstures! Too funny!
Week 3: We got the report cards and were pleasantly surprised! Mackenzie improved her "C" in Science to an "A" so she is doing great! She's now got 2 A's and 3 C's. Slow and steady wins the race my friend!!! Maddie is also doing much better in school! We are so happy to see they are both improving so much! And we started planning Mackenzie's birthday party! It's hard to believe she's gonna be 10 already!!! Doesn't seem like she should be that old, but it's the price you pay for time going by so fast! We are doing it on the 17th of Feb. At the local park and she's chosen Monster High for the theme! This should be quite interesting!!!
Week 4: I've been doing tons of soul searching and so has Ryan lately. We both know we don't like him being gone, but we understand the need for him to be gone in order to provide for his family. So, I decided it was really time to go out into the work force. I applied at 9 different places today. I had a goal of 5 and ended up doing 9! We have been quite selfish in our attempts with work and have only been looking within 5 miles of our house. Quite selfish, yes I know. I have expanded my search to include Clearwater. I love that city! Even though I am not from there, Clearwater is what I consider home. It just fits for me! So, we are looking at jobs and possibly housing in Clearwater! We just need to do what's right for our family and I don't think that being where we are now is condusive of a great amount of success for us. We shall see where the Lord leads us.
And Finally Goals for this year:
* Lose 40 Pounds.
*Walk 3 times a week (or run)
* Enroll kids in before/after school care with their schools
*Register truck and get it on the road (new battery)
*Get a job and get Ryan home
*Evaluate, Pray about and decide what to do about our housing.
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