
Showing posts from 2015

Why should we study the Bible? Part 1 of 5

Good morning!   As I sit here and prep to do my Bible studies, I thought it would only be fitting to study why we study this book in the first place.  I mean, really, aren't there other books we could be studying?  Why study a book that was written so many years ago?  Does it actually help us?  In this series, I hope to touch on why we study this great book.   So, Why do we study the bible?  There are 5 main reasons we study this great book.  I will cover one each day, but they all are:  for teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness, and for every good work.   Today, let's touch on the teaching part of this study.   As sinners, we are all ignorant of God's will.  So let's break that down a little bit.  Did she just call me ignorant, you  may be asking, so let's see what exactly that means.  Ignorant is defined as lacking knowledge or awareness in general.  When I see this definition, ...

Day of Rest

What is a day of rest for you?  For me, I kind of feel like I do not ever get a full day of rest.  I set my intentions on resting for a day, but then I find that this needs my attention or that needs my attention, so my day of rest gets tossed out with the dish water, so I thought it would be a great time to really research what a day of rest means.  In the secular world, we equate the day of rest with a day of being lazy.  Laying around on the couch all day watching tv.  That is the worldly way to look at the day of rest.  But, what is the spiritual way to look at the day of rest?  Many times we don't really divide up what exactly it means.  It does not mean doing nothing.  On the contrary, it means a day of worship.  Knowing now that a day of rest means a day of worship, I thought it would be appropriate to look at a passage from the Old Testament.  In Exodus 20:8, the Lord says, "Remember the sabbath day, by keeping it holy."...

Have Faith like a mustard seed...

As I sit here really mulling over what the 5 letter word means, I can't help but thank God for allowing me to have FAITH!  So what does that mean? Faith by definition is strong belief or trust in someone or something; belief in the existence of God; strong religious feelings or beliefs; a system of religious beliefs; allegiance to duty or a person; fidelity to one's promises; sincerity of intentions; belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proof;  complete trust; something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially,  a system of religious beliefs; without question What exactly does this mean?  Well in plain english, Faith is believing without seeing.  It's the belief in something without knowing the steps to get there.  For example, the pantry is almost bare, you have no money for 5 more days, you know SOMETHING will provide, but what? ...

Who Am I?

As I continue reading "The Search For Significance"  by Robert S. McGee, I am finding that every time I sit down to read a little bit of it, something really sticks out at me and I feel the need to write it down, hilight it, chew on it, etc.  Today I want to share a few things that I not only read in the book, but some thoughts that have come to mind, as well as something that was posted on one of my pastor's facebook profiles. First, know that God loves you, yes you!  So much that he sent his only son to die for you on the cross!  He loves us that much!  Wow isn't that crazy?  Nope, it's how God works.  He created you in his image and he wants you to be you, not someone else. So, in the book, I have learned some of the bad habits that I have had a history of doing.  Some of those things stemmed from my childhood.  I came from a bad situation, and one day I will open up and post my testimony, but that is another post for another day. ...

House hunting

Because we are moving so far away, the house hunting for us this time has been very challenging.  It may seem like we can just go online find a place, pay the required move in and we would be good to go right?  Nope. We found a list of homes we liked that were all in our budget, gave the addresses to Roy and Carol.  They went and looked at them.  Most of them were not doable.  The one that Ryan and I both loved they said just simply wouldn't work.  The condo we liked they didn't think would work with us having the girls and it being upstairs, so we are back to the drawing board. There are a few that are still contenders, but back to looking for houses I go.  I sure hope we find something soon.  That's the issue with having a deadline. On a positive note, Patrick brought me boxes today, so tomorrow I get a day full of starting to pack up things we aren't using.  It's really going to put into perspective that we are moving.  I think ...

Happy New Year!

Hello out there!  I know I'm a week late, but we wanted to wish you a happy new year!   We have lots going on and will try to keep you all updated more, but here's the jest of it: The Cox's are moving AGAIN!  This time, we are headed to the mountains!  We are relocating to North Carolina.  We really feel this is the best move for our family.  While I am in college, we feel that because I am taking online courses, the best move for us is to go to a state that we can all be together more often.  With Ryan's work schedule, he can be in North Carolina more often (usually) than he is here in Florida.  With all of that said, and having taken 6 months to pray over this and discuss the pros and cons between the four of us, we made the decision to go.   In no way was the decision an easy one, and I'm sure that some people will not be happy that we are leaving our beloved state, but we really need those people to understand that we are not ...