Happy New Year!

Hello out there!  I know I'm a week late, but we wanted to wish you a happy new year!  

We have lots going on and will try to keep you all updated more, but here's the jest of it:

The Cox's are moving AGAIN!  This time, we are headed to the mountains!  We are relocating to North Carolina.  We really feel this is the best move for our family.  While I am in college, we feel that because I am taking online courses, the best move for us is to go to a state that we can all be together more often.  With Ryan's work schedule, he can be in North Carolina more often (usually) than he is here in Florida.  With all of that said, and having taken 6 months to pray over this and discuss the pros and cons between the four of us, we made the decision to go.  

In no way was the decision an easy one, and I'm sure that some people will not be happy that we are leaving our beloved state, but we really need those people to understand that we are not doing this because we want to hurt anyone, we are doing it to better our future, to better the future for our children.  We feel the Lord has been guiding us north for a while, and He chose to reveal our next location to us this past summer.  We fought him on it.  We were like Jonah and the whale.  We didn't want to do what the Lord wanted us to do, but we have come to realize, like Jonah, when the Lord says do something, it will happen.  

So, what does this mean?  It means that I will continue my Associate's Degree via the internet, just like I am doing here in Florida.  It means that the girls will have to change school's, but they will be going into a much better school district on the other side of the move.  It means we have all of the normal relocating things to do, but most of all it means that we will be growing together again as a family.  Re-learning how to communicate effectively with each other, learning how to love one another locally rather than across the miles.  It means more quality time for each of us to have with each other.  

This move really is a time of newness, refreshing, and learning to lean on the Lord.  While we are excited to move, we know there will be challenges to overcome and we know the Lord will provide.  We pray that all of our closest friends and family will support our decision to move to another state. We love you and will miss you more than you know.  


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