
Showing posts from October, 2021

Quick trip

 Occasionally, we need a quick trip to disconnect and really get back to a status quo. It had been almost a year since our last trip to the beach. We needed a trip more than you would imagine. So far, this year has dealt us many blows, and I will not dwell on them. As you know, I believe that dwelling on the negative and things in the past doesn't do us any good. What does help is thinking through the positive and uplifting moments in life. The image to the left exemplifies exactly that - positive and uplifting.  We got to the beach and immediately Mads asked to go walk. We'd driven for 4 hours, but this kiddo NEEDED to get her feet in the surf. She did not care that her jeans would be soaked or that her slides would rub red marks on her skin as we walked back to the hotel and dinner. She just needed to be grounded.  In case you didn't realize, when your feet are in the ocean, it speaks to your body. It heals all the stress and anxiety. It enables you to disconnect from a...

Tests, they come...

In our lives, we are tested. These tests come in many forms. As you may have read the last time I posted, we have had our fair share of tests. Well, this past week was more of the same. Not only was it a long and stressful week at work, but I had a doctors appointment, I wanted to go to small group on Wednesday, and I wanted to buy a jellyroll for quilting... Not always did I get what I wanted.  Work has been insane. Yes, I know I already said this, but until you really understand how insane it was, I'm going to say it again. For the first time since starting with the company over 5 years ago, I was WAY over my 40 hours, but not because I wanted to be. It was because we are a very small team. I am the only person who can get overtime because I am the one hourly employee. Therefore, to prevent others from working for free, I over scheduled myself. Everything that absolutely had to get done, got done. Even with my boss on a cruise ship, hopefully having the time of her life.  We...