Quick trip

 Occasionally, we need a quick trip to disconnect and really get back to a status quo. It had been almost a year since our last trip to the beach. We needed a trip more than you would imagine. So far, this year has dealt us many blows, and I will not dwell on them. As you know, I believe that dwelling on the negative and things in the past doesn't do us any good. What does help is thinking through the positive and uplifting moments in life. The image to the left exemplifies exactly that - positive and uplifting. 

We got to the beach and immediately Mads asked to go walk. We'd driven for 4 hours, but this kiddo NEEDED to get her feet in the surf. She did not care that her jeans would be soaked or that her slides would rub red marks on her skin as we walked back to the hotel and dinner. She just needed to be grounded. 

In case you didn't realize, when your feet are in the ocean, it speaks to your body. It heals all the stress and anxiety. It enables you to disconnect from all the negativity impacting your life and to focus just on that one moment. This was what we all needed. The salty sea air. The pidgeons trying to grab our hot dogs. The puppies deciding Mack was a dog magnet. The chasing of volley balls that had come flying at us out of the beach volley ball courts as other families played a sport in the beautiful sun and sea breeze. The swoosh of the waves as they came on shore. The walking thousands of steps to get under a pier for a photo. The falling in a hole as she approached the perfect spot to stand. The walking back to the hotel soaked to her thighs. 

We didn't tell many people about our up-coming trip because we needed that disconnect. We needed to reconnect as a familal unit and we did: 

  • Mads and I walked the beach multiple times per day each day we were there. 
  • Mack and Ry sat outside of the hotel at night to listen to the live music over at the bar (they couldn't go because Mack isn't 21 yet and so they wouldn't let her in). 
  • All 4 of us watched football and couldn't believe the 9 OT periods! Crazy - woohoo Illini! Way to go!
  • Ry and I got away for an hour to have a mini date. 
  • We ate at our favorite hot dog place at the beach. 
  • We found a great pizza place and enjoyed a pizza to share among the 4 of us. 
Why would we be impressed by these mundane things, you might ask. Well, it's all a part of the reset. Our pastoral staff preached a series recently about having a reset: 
1. Slow down
2. Rest in the Lord
3. Simplify your life

IN this fast-paced life many of us live, we don't take the time to slow down or rest, but we have also lost the sense of simplifying in all we do. This doesn't have to mean depriving yourself of the things you need, but just concentrating on the small things. Rather than going to Six Flags for a weekend of fast paced fun with roller coasters and all the things that come with a trip to Atlanta, we chose to slow it down a bit. It took longer to drive to Myrtle Beach, yes, but after we got there, the car was parked. We simplified by walking everywhere. We simplified by not spending money on entertainment when we could find free things to do. We walked because it was an opportunity to connect with nature and with God. We spent quality time together. We rested. 

Now, you may not realize this, but when the Lord rested on the 7th day, he didn't do so to recover from what he had already done, but to prepare for what was coming. This is what we are called to do. Rest so we are prepared for the week ahead. 

Before I close, I have a question for you: How are you preparing for what is to come? 


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