
Showing posts from March, 2025

Fun St. Patrick's Day craft ideas

  Creating a list of crafts for you is not exactly the easiest. I wanted to appeal to everyone and that’s what makes it harder. You see, I have adult children, so the crafting over the years has evolved from kids crafts to what I want for my own home which is a bit more adult in nature. So what’s a mom to do? Head out and find some of the most inspiring people I could to show you what they are suggesting! The Pioneer Woman Good Housekeeping Pinterest I'm sure you can find something for everyone on this list. I plan to share with you what I end up making later in the month, but would love to see what you create as well! 

St. Patrick's Day celebration ideas

  This month, we have the opportunity to celebrate a Christian legend! Before we get to the ideas I have for your celebrations, let’s dig into a bit of the history behind St. Patrick’s Day. Did you know: -         St. Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland, but he was born in Roman Britian in the late 4 th century. -         He was kidnapped at the young age of 16 and enslaved in Ireland. -         While he did escape, he returned to convert the Irish to Christianity. -         By the time of his death, he had established monasteries, churches, and schools. -         On March 17, 461 he died. -         In 1737, the   17 th of March became the day to celebrate the feast of St. Patrick In honor of St. Patrick, many celebrate in different ways. Here’s a lis...

How have things been handled?

  As a busy working mom, sometimes I feel like things haven’t quite been handled as eloquently as I would have liked. There is stress in my life that just seems to take over. Between work and personal commitments, something’s got to give. Am I alone here or is there anyone else feeling similarly?   Let me give you a little information about me. I am a 43-year-old married mom of a 22-year-old daughter and 18-year-old daughter. My oldest has some special needs, but the medical system here is failing her because she isn’t handicapped ENOUGH to get a diagnosis. I was even told by multiple medical professionals “Yes, I can see she’s high-functioning autistic, but because she’s over the age of 18, I cannot give you an official diagnosis.” You wanna talk about discouraging. That doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt last year hearing those words for the third time in as many months. I felt like I’d failed my child.   On the other hand, her sister has anxiety and has ...

Welcoming Spring: Tips for a fresh start

 This month, we will embark on yet another beautiful season and perfect opportunity to begin as fresh as the flowers are sure to bloom. Spring is the perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate! Here are my top 10 tips to make the most of the season:  Spring Cleaning: We all tend to gather an excess of clutter through the winter months. Clear out the clutter and deep clean your living space. This is a great time to donate those items you no longer need. Remember, one person's trash is another's treasure!  Garden Preparation: No matter if you have a farm, flowerbed, or container garden, now is the time to start planting flowers, herbs, and vegetables. If you aren't currently, maybe consider creating a small herb garden or adding colorful blooms to your patio.  Outdoor Activities: Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the beautiful weather by going for a hike, having a picnic, or family bike ride. Enjoy the beautiful scenery around you as it blossoms.  Seasonal ...

When life gets busy

 Ya know, life has a way of suddenly accelerating its pace. Sometimes it leaves us breathless and scrambling to keep up. Whether it's a surge in work responsibilities, personal commitments, or unexpected events, the sensation of being overwhelmed is all too familiar. I've found that the key to navigating these hectic periods of my life lies in the adoption of strategies that help me maintain balance and perspective. I thought I'd share some of those with you today as a way to get back into writing regularly.  1. Understanding the busy periods Busy periods can strike at any time, and often they appear with no warning. These times may be triggered by many factors such as:  seasonal work demands  significant life changes (i.e., moving, expanding the family) a series of social events Regardless of the cause, the impact can feel like an InstaPot of stress and fatigue.  2. Identifying triggers To effectively manage busy periods, I've found it essential to identify the...