St. Patrick's Day celebration ideas


This month, we have the opportunity to celebrate a Christian legend! Before we get to the ideas I have for your celebrations, let’s dig into a bit of the history behind St. Patrick’s Day. Did you know:

-        St. Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland, but he was born in Roman Britian in the late 4th century.

-        He was kidnapped at the young age of 16 and enslaved in Ireland.

-        While he did escape, he returned to convert the Irish to Christianity.

-        By the time of his death, he had established monasteries, churches, and schools.

-        On March 17, 461 he died.

-        In 1737, the  17th of March became the day to celebrate the feast of St. Patrick

In honor of St. Patrick, many celebrate in different ways. Here’s a list of some ideas:

1.     Parades

a.     Find a local parade to attend

b.     Watch a parade on television

c.      Participate in a parade

2.     Parties

a.     Host an all green party

b.     Have a leprechaun party

c.      Serve a pot luck party

d.     Host a themed meal

e.     Decorate with green

f.       Have a costume contest

g.     Host a game night

h.     Set up a photo booth

i.       Have a contest (limerick or cooking decorating, for example)

3.     Food

a.     Eat traditional Irish food

b.     Have an Irish breakfast

c.      Have green foods (green eggs and ham, Sam I am)

d.     Have Irish beer or whiskey tasting

4.     Other

a.     Learn an irish dance

b.     Learn to speak Irish

c.      Go on an Irish pub crawl

d.     Watch an Irish movie (or a whole marathon of them)

e.     Organize a scavenger hunt

f.       Make St. Patrick’s Day crafts

g.     Listen to Irish music

There’s sure to be something for everyone in this list. Keep you eyes peeled because I’ll be coming up with some fun crafts to do in honor of St. Patrick and sharing those with you later today.


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