
Showing posts from July, 2007


I wish I could give you all a good update, but I can't. I heard from the mortgage lady who told me last week we would close Monday or Tuesday of this week. After not hearing back from her I called her only to find out that the lender backed out because of the appraisal. She is trying a few more companies. In addition to this, all of my computers are being fixed right now. I got this one(the one my father in law gave me) in order enough that I could use the net. I still have a little work to do on it though. Kenzie and Maddie got their first pet. I decided that they needed a puppy. They are so good and they needed a friend. Not to mention that one of my resident's sons dogs had pups and he was giving them away. We will be getting a kennel for the back yard so that she can go play in the yard during the day. We named her Angel because she fell into the sump pump in Steve's basement, he then gave her mouth to mouth and she lived, therefore we decided that since she...

Little Moma!

Well, I guess Kenzie thinks she is a Little Moma! Not only does she try to care for her Baby Alive doll including a bottle, diapers, wipes, sippy cup and baby food, but she does all she can to help us with Maddie. She tells her it is ok, Mommy is getting you your food. She is such the big sister! I love having her to help me out. I am so proud of her! We also found a link that we can do a book a night on the computer with her and she loves it. I will be doing this every night from now on. Kenzie is also becomming quite the preppy little one. She stands in front of the mirror making sure that every hair is in place before comming out of the bathroom. It is so funny. She thought she would try and "wash" her hair tonight, when we discovered she had soaked her hair with lotion! It was so funny! I had to wash her hair twice to get it all out! Maddie is doing well. She stood in the kitchen tonight hollaring for her "Da Da!" and then it changed to "Dad...

Grr! Not a good weekend for us...

I had a rough weekend at work. I was on a unit that needs a minimum of 3 cna's, but got suck with 2. I got through it though. And, Kenzie, Maddie, Dustin, Candice, and Joshua all went to a Hymn Sing and Fish Fry with Mom at her church. Candice wasn't very happy with the church because the Minister talked badly about Baptist churches and her grandpa is a baptist minister. Maddie is doing well. She loved going to Nana's house. And Kenzie was a hoot from what I hear. She was spraying the cats with a spray bottle because they were scratching at her and nana. She now answers to the nick name "Little Irene" it is too much. We had Kenzie's other part to her evaluation and I will have results soon. I will post when I find out. Joshua is doing ok. He has his days and nights mixed up, but hopefully soon that will change. Maria, any tips I can give to Candice? She is at her wits end and I know that you were going through this with Brooklyn. Anyway, I wil...

Welcome Home.

Joshua Lee Duncan was born on Tuesday July 17, 2007 at 11:13pm. He weighted 7lbs 10ounces He was 21.5 inches long. Yes he did have a little trouble in the beginning, but the baby boy is doing great now. He came home from the hospital with Mommy and Daddy tonight. Now Maddie wasn't too fond of Mommy holding this new baby, but Kenzie loved him. We are all getting settled in with having another new baby in the house. I will be sure to update you all on the happenings with all of the group at the Cox house. Love, Dawn

Maddie walking

again i know it is grainy, but i just wanted to get these on here, i will probably change the site i upload video's with because i don't like how the video's turn out with the one i use right now.

The girls splashing in the pool

I know that it looks grainy, but I am trying to fix that...

Independence Day

I know that this is really late, but I thought I would share our Independence Day Celebration with all of you. Keep in mind that Kenzie hasn't ever liked going to the fireworks because they are too loud. On July 3, we went to the river and found a park where there were many children playing, Kenzie jumped right in and started playing, she met a little girl named Lindsey, they instantly became best friends and we are going to start play dates soon. Then when it got close to time for the firework display to start, we all walked closer to the second street bridge, I have some pics below so that you can all see what happened that night. Thank you Dustin (my little brother) and Candice (my future sister in law) for taking the pics of the display. I really did appreciate that so I could chase the kids, while they took pics. This was the first time Maddie took to the swingset and she did it a couple of hours before we went to the river for the fireworks, now I have a hard time getting her...


I am getting so excited for Maddie, she is really comming out of her shell here lately. She is letting us know when she wants attention. Let me put it into perspective for you. I was in the kitchen unpacking a box or two and she wanted my attention so she stared me down and screamed at the top of her lungs "MAMA" only she kept repeating it until I looked at her and then she would smile, then as I went back to working she would start the process over again and at breakfast time, she said what appeared to me to be thank you (of course it wasn't clear, but that is baby talk for you)

Swimming time....

"look at my beauties" Water babies "I am Moses!" if you look closely, she has her feet on top of the water. "I wanna leave" "This is fun" "Mommy, this is fun!" Bathing beauty! "so this is how we have fun" "Hmmmm, Not sure!" "I'm Out of Here!" "Thank you Mommy!" "I love this" "So much fun!" laying in the sun! "Splish Splash!" I have a ring pool for the girls, and I think the pics say it all!

So sorry...

I understand that many of you have been missing the girls and what is going on with them. As most of you know the isp disconnected me from the internet before they were supposed to. Therefore, I was unable to get on the internet. I will try and get all of the updates and pics put on here in time. I know that a lot of stuff has been going on since we lost connection. One of them being the birth of my nephew Joshua Lee. I will post pics with the birth info as soon as I can. He as born after 15.5 hours of labor! Candice had an infection and temp when he was born, he had a bm in utero and swallowed some of it, so they are running tests to make sure that he is ok. He is on oxygen, so I will update you as I can. Just keep them both in prayer! We are now moved into the new house, but still trying to get everything put away, and feeling a little pressured as my mom wants to push the closing after she rushed us to get moved out of the other house so she could get other people moved i...