I wish I could give you all a good update, but I can't. I heard from the mortgage lady who told me last week we would close Monday or Tuesday of this week. After not hearing back from her I called her only to find out that the lender backed out because of the appraisal. She is trying a few more companies. In addition to this, all of my computers are being fixed right now. I got this one(the one my father in law gave me) in order enough that I could use the net. I still have a little work to do on it though. Kenzie and Maddie got their first pet. I decided that they needed a puppy. They are so good and they needed a friend. Not to mention that one of my resident's sons dogs had pups and he was giving them away. We will be getting a kennel for the back yard so that she can go play in the yard during the day. We named her Angel because she fell into the sump pump in Steve's basement, he then gave her mouth to mouth and she lived, therefore we decided that since she...