So sorry...
I understand that many of you have been missing the girls and what is going on with them. As most of you know the isp disconnected me from the internet before they were supposed to. Therefore, I was unable to get on the internet. I will try and get all of the updates and pics put on here in time. I know that a lot of stuff has been going on since we lost connection. One of them being the birth of my nephew Joshua Lee. I will post pics with the birth info as soon as I can. He as born after 15.5 hours of labor! Candice had an infection and temp when he was born, he had a bm in utero and swallowed some of it, so they are running tests to make sure that he is ok. He is on oxygen, so I will update you as I can. Just keep them both in prayer! We are now moved into the new house, but still trying to get everything put away, and feeling a little pressured as my mom wants to push the closing after she rushed us to get moved out of the other house so she could get other people moved in there and now rushing the closing. I really wish she would relax for me for a few days and let the mortgage lady get things in order and not rush it so much. Kenzie is feeling the stress from us and so is Maddie, I just hate that we are so stressed out right now. I just hope and pray that things will start to calm down a bit for me. I can't wait to get it all settled and back to a normal life. Anyway, that is that for the first post. I will be posting several more posts to get all of you updated and share pics of things that have been going on here in the next few days.
Welcome back and congrads on your new home!