Little Moma!
Well, I guess Kenzie thinks she is a Little Moma! Not only does she try to care for her Baby Alive doll including a bottle, diapers, wipes, sippy cup and baby food, but she does all she can to help us with Maddie. She tells her it is ok, Mommy is getting you your food. She is such the big sister! I love having her to help me out. I am so proud of her! We also found a link that we can do a book a night on the computer with her and she loves it. I will be doing this every night from now on. Kenzie is also becomming quite the preppy little one. She stands in front of the mirror making sure that every hair is in place before comming out of the bathroom. It is so funny. She thought she would try and "wash" her hair tonight, when we discovered she had soaked her hair with lotion! It was so funny! I had to wash her hair twice to get it all out! Maddie is doing well. She stood in the kitchen tonight hollaring for her "Da Da!" and then it changed to "Daddy". It was so funny because she wouldn't stop yelling until Ryan responded to her. She also knows when it is time to eat to go to her little table in the corner of the kitchen and Mommy will put her bowl there. She feeds herself now. And, no it isn't clean, but that is the joy of seeing my baby grow up, sometimes she will be messy. It almost saddens me that we are done with having children because I love to see the kids going through each stage that they come to, but I wouldn't want to put another baby through what Maddie went through when she was born. I just thank God that she is ok now. I am off to do a few things.
Awww, your so good at expressing things here, I can see it all in my head. I am so happy your blessed with your family. You need good thiings after the life we had. Love you...Sisker